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added comment inCritiques Needed! Feel free to be as intense as needed!
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Please Critique!
Hello, Ben! Good job on reworking your design. I find it a bit difficult finding things to improve on without overstepping on your initial layout. On what is provided I would say the tail is a bit too thick and there still could be less significance on the eyes as that is what I see in references. For a more informed feedback it would help me to know more about the character and the intended audience. Because form follows function. I would also try some other variations with different styles to give the client some options. This is a good start for one option and is handled in a realistic manner. I can see the underlying three dimensional forms how it could progress into a 3D animation platform. Once a final design is confirmed we could really get picky and pick out specific areas to get technical about and nit pick over.
Also, maybe don't generalize the audience as just your girlfriend. An audience of one is a bit more fine art and character design is more inline with mass audience and appeal. Use her gender and age to help define the audience.
Hello, Ben! Thanks for sharing. These are great drawings and explorations! I had to look up mole rat to refresh my memory. Currently for the final design I would say it is not coming across as a mole rat. The head with tail looks very much like a trex dinosaur. The nose with hat made me think of a moose but once I thought trex I cant stop seeing that. When I look at the naked mole rat I see wrinkles, small eyes, big teeth, not much for a nose, unsteady/uneasy, curious. The version you made seems strong and sure of himself. Great job and I hope this is helpful for you!
Thank you very much! I also felt that as well so I went back to the drawing board and drew a couple more designs. I would certainly appreciate your feedback on these! Thank you very much for taking the time!
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Working on Demogorgons from imagination. Any feedback is welcome
Alot of fun energy and poses but they become a little cartoony at times and thats okay yet it loses believability. Drawing from imagination is hard and you did a great job . I would attempt this exercise again and be willing to let go a little bit. It doesnt have to be perfect. Some great weight on bottom left and love the hands on bottom right
I think there’s good potential in it, but two things you could consider:
- the leg of the figure top right is very human like, now it is difficult to accept that the foot has another structure, with the mid foot joint serving as a heel. Keep it, but try to sell it more convincingly.
- the head is quite original and has enough options for conveying moods, but now it is too much a narcissus flower, which ridicules the figure a bit - the figure would be served better by a stronger structure. Maybe a more aggressive plant would be more appropriate.
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I have always struggled from drawing from imagination and relied on observation since that felt more comfortable. I had to embrace the discomfort on this and push through so that I can improve. Im not happy with these but have to keep pushing forward.
Great poses! I love the juxtaposition between what is normally the sloth style (slow and deliberate) to the rock pose -- High energy and dynamic.
Also kudos for going with pen - I find it very helpful to go with pen so I just commit to a stroke instead of hesitating on 10 different strokes and erasing
Ian Gregory
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This assignment is challenging but also really fun once getting the hang of it a little. As observing from the footage, I couldn’t get the gesture right most of the time. Throughout some of these sketches I tend to make small but many strokes in my drawings, that is why it can be too messy at times. I’ll keep working on this along with attempting the draw from memory for the next one.
Theses are great and I can see improvement when reviewing the past few posts! Some of the messier ones are my favorites. Keep it up!
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I used ballpoint pen so no erasing. I know I could improve a lot of areas but tried to keep it quick and keep moving forward.
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Nice exercise. Tried to guess the skeleton structure, redraw it with that in mind, and redraw it from other angle as well in another pose.
Of course I’m not satisfied with the results, but that’s seldom the point of course exercises - I learn a great deal with this.
Thanks for sharing your drawings! I think drawing #2 ( Frazetta) and drawing #3 (Wrightson) are finding a great rhythm and saying a lot without saying too much. Drawing #4 ( 2nd Frazetta) - Love the dimensionality and force coming from the legs. The redraws from different angles are super fun. I would love to see more of the elements from the over drawings come across in the new drawings.
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I attempted Demogorgons from Stranger Things. The likeness of apes was not apparent at first but as I progressed I could find similarities and definitely leaned on what I could remember using the skeleton and my new knowledge as a guide. The parts that were different gives me new insight in what to pay attention to during future animal studies. Now I need to get to the extra credit and get to drawing from my imagination and see how that goes. Any feedback is appreciated.
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Additional practice attached this time using a wacom. Going digital was easier for this. Any feedback appreciated.