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added comment inProject - Get Your Tools and Start Playing
I can draw stick figures. Interested to see where this ends up.

Jesse Puhalski
Take your time and don't be hard on yourself and I think you will be surprised with what you can accomplish. You got this.
Jesse Puhalski
Here's my pear. Pretty proud with how it came out. Haven't given drawing a try since I was a kid and even then it was just stick figures. Hoping to make drawing a regular part of my life!
Hey everyone!
I just want to verify that this is the first lesson. I’m new to Proko so just want to make sure I’m not missing anything!
You haven't missed anything! This is indeed the first lesson. It's my first Proko course as well!
Pedro Branco
This is what I came up with. This is the first time I've shown anyone my work.I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I've been doing this for a year now, having completed Rich Graysonn's Udemy beginner course and Alphonso Dunn's hatching book.I'm also drawing regularly for around 4 hours a day, and I just feel completely stuck.
A topic I'm always practicing, figure and gesture drawing, always comes out looking incredibly awkward (I purchased your course on the subject last month to see if I could get better at it). I just started giving drawing a go during COVID, and I've since decided to give myself two years off to learn it properly. The biggest thing that I feel is that whenever I learn something, I end up never being able to use it in my future drawings. I'm hoping this is the course that'll finally make everything click for me.
Thanks for sharing your work! It's a tough step to take and you should be proud you did it. Nothing to be embarrassed about. We are all here to learn and improve ourselves!
When do the fucking clases start? It´s already january
Not sure anyone specified exactly when in January they would start. Be patient and I'm sure they will be available soon.