al Ramirez
al Ramirez
Newfoundland, canada
hey I'm Alex and I'm am learning art to hopefully one do it as a career. excited to be part of the cool kids club
Activity Feed
al Ramirez
hey guys i drew this fox character for the assignment, i had a hard time doing it mainly because i never drew animals before but i try my best. what can i do now to improve it in the future?
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @al Ramirez, I think this is a nice drawing! Good use of the ellipse crosscontours! It would be nice to see you do more attemps on this exercise and the different solutions each subject will have you come up with! I'll do my best to help you further: - It would be nice if you made the muzzle more geometrical. Right now the form feels a little ambigous. I attached a paintover that you can use as inspiration - I attached a screenshot of a critique I gave another student. I think you would appreciate reading it Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
al Ramirez
hey guys this is a few pages i try doing for the bean exercise, this is the first time i ever did this is so i kind of mess up in a few places i think but i don't know. I'm going to draw 50 more beans as my new assignment i give to myself feedback is appreciated. PS i try to darken the lines this time so you can actually see it, back in gesture i was use to making my lines as light as possible
E. A. V.
For a first time your beans are looking good! My initial thoughts are that you should exaggerate the beans more, this may be my ryes playing tricks on me but they all look very similar in pose and exaggeration. My second thought is that it seems like many of your beans are more oval, there is nothing wrong with that but it makes them look a bit flat compared to full, rounded circles. Do with that what you will and keep up the good work, they really do look good and your lines are very neat!
al Ramirez
Asked for help
hey guys I'm new to this site but my name is Alex and I'm starting to lean figure drawing. before I do the next video I did my assignment and did 50 30 second gesture drawings. I have no clue what I'm doing but I watch the video a few times and did my best. what do you think?
Bradwynn Jones
Good work on the studies. It's difficult to see in these pics but I think I can still critique. Thinking about the CSI lines try to find places that the S curve will take the place of two C curves instead. This longer S curve will flow much better than the stop and go of two or three C curves. Keep these coming! You're doing great
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