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added comment inHow to Draw the Head from Any Angle
Asked for help
I am currently learning the Loomis Head based on the 3D model. Next, on the Lay In, I want to draw the skull in its bone structure. Unfortunately this part is not shown as an example by Stan or I overlooked it. Do you have a suggestion or a video on how I can best proceed?
I had read that the Loomis Head is well suited to draw a skull. As a reference I bought the 3d skull from Proko.

Ron Kempke
The method you want is masterfully illustrated by Andrew Loomis in his books, "Fun With a Pencil" and "Drawing the Head and Hands." These titles may be currently out of print but used copies for sale regularly post on and eBay. Good luck with your search!
Asked for help
Hi guys,
I am currently practicing the Loomis Head from different perspectives (3D Modell) and have noticed that I often don't hit the oval on the head correctly. Above all, it is the width that gives me a problem. Do you have a good idea how I can better assess the width? I am currently measuring it with the pencil in relation to the height. Angle sighting is not working for me because there a not many points to start with. There is a quick example of my problem in the attachment.
I think i have now understood my main mistake. In the 3D model, the two lines in the middle of the ellipse have nothing to do with the minor and major axis of the ellipse. Even if it sounds totally stupid, I always reflexively aligned my ellipse to the width and height of the cross. That is of course stupid :).
@John Carter Your Art is inspiring, thank you for sharing it.
Asked for help
Hi there,
I am concerned with the Loomis Head and find it difficult to simplify. But this is mainly due to the construction approach and its perspective (Therefore I'm working on drawabox to improve my imagination of perspective and construction).
I have the following questions and I ask for your help:
1) Are my Loomis heads going in the right direction?
2) How can I best check whether my Loomis Heads are correct?
3) Can I do an overlay somehow?
4) When would you start using references from real people to study?
PS: Many thanks in advance for your feedback.
Hi, Henning.
Answering your questions:
1) They are getting there. Mostly you're having problems with the perspective of the head. A lot of your lines are not converging to the right point and/or are not forming the right angle. Also the proportions are a bit shaky. The ones you did after Stan the thirds are all over the place. But your construction process is solid. as long as you keep drawing boxes and you start measuring more, your internal sense of perspective will improve and eventually you'll draw more accurate heads.
2) You can compare what you did with the 3d model. If you don't have access to the one on the one in the premium course you can find fairly accurate ones on or you can sculpt one. It's not that difficult.
Always check if you placed the lines correctly (the brow, chin and nose lines are parallel, so they should slightly converge to the same point or at least be parallel) and if the perfect thirds are the correct size (the should be equal if looked straight on, or in case of extreme views they should get smaller as they go away from us.
3) Did not understand this question.
4) It's up to you. In the Watts atelier (the online course at least) you would study the Loomis head, the skull, the Reilly rhythms, the Asaro Head and features before you'll study models. This course you'll study the Loomis head and the features before tackle a full model. When I started years ago I studied models from the beginning in parallel to studying features.
There's no right or way, do it in the way you're most comfortable. However, it's important to know that the Loomis head is an idealized version of the head. Most people don't fit those proportions. So you have to adapt. Stan shows the process in these videos:
Hope this helps
Best regards