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Martha Muniz
Your perspective looks pretty accurate! Just watch out especially as you get closer to the horizon line, it's a common error to make the angles larger than they really are, since they become rather slim in reality. Also, when adding circular objects in perspective, they still follow perspective, and using a square in perspective as a guideline is the best way to get them accurately plotted (this will be covered more in-depth later in this section, so no worries!) Hope this helps :)
Asked for help
are these too sloppy?
Your proportions are looking pretty good, nice work! This is a great exercise to practice the tapering strokes from the first section, it'll help the rhythm to continue flowing through connecting shapes
2nd attempt
A drawing by Moebius (Jean Giraud)
Patrick Bosworth
Very nice!
might be too cartoonish
Melanie Scearce
Not at all! These are looking really cool. I think you could benefit from loosening up your lines a bit -- something that could help with that is trying a few different designs for each animal. Getting too "careful" with one drawing is easy because you can get attached to it, and that can lead to tighter lines and stiffer drawings. Try to make closed shapes for this assignment, sticking to around 10 shapes. Stay loose and have fun with it :)
David D
For my master study, I tried to replicate explicitly the perspective and line quality used by Peter Han while drawing “hard-edge” items like this Morgan 3 Wheeler car. I somewhat fell down a rabbit hole trying to research and study my way to a beautiful drawing, but ultimately pencil had to meet paper, and I’ve done my best… time to move on and improve. I’ll come back to this when I have a little more “mileage” as Peter Han says. I feel like I’ve learned quite a bit even if the final product falls well short of Peter’s original work. Mostly what I’ve discovered is that what I had attributed to issues getting the proportion of a subject right was actually getting the perspective of a drawing consistent. I still didn’t fully solve that issue (as I’m sure you can tell), but ultimately I have found a fundamental skill that needs improvement. After the drawing basics, I think the perspective course with Marshall is next up for me! I am quite tempted to use a ruler to lay in my initial layout lines. I avoided this temptation as I think it’s important for me to be able to draw straight lines without one. Anyone else struggle with getting consistent perspective? I particularly struggle if the vanishing point is outside the paper area.
it was way harder than it seemed to me 🙄
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