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Hey guys, just did the line weight exercise. Tried my best to capture the hierarchy and light/shadow with light weight. Feel free to critique whatever you want. Thanks for the help.
Discovered that I really enjoy drawing seals and sea lions. They are so expressive and sorta ridiculous looking, which makes for a fun time!!
Here are my lessons. Had a tough time doing the robot girl because I cant avoid to put detail. Im working on it but its hard for me to make things simple. Please feel free to critique and suggest :) PS: this was before watching the demo
Steve Lenze
Hey Anderson, nice job on the drawing, just a couple of things: the biggest issue is that your penguin is falling backwards, it's balance is shifted back instead of forward like the reference. Check the angle of the back and front and you will see what I mean. I did a diagram to show you what I mean, I hope it helps:)
Thanks for the diagram and the advices Steve. I will do it again. Thanks for the help :)
Got overwhelmed by the prospect of doing two boots (all those laces!) and I didn't position it properly on the page to fully deal with the other boot. So, there's just one. The wooden beam helped when determining the placement and size of the snail. The camel is proportionally wrong, but it was fun to draw all of those long curves. The more I practiced, the more confident I became drawing the contours and not picking up my pencil as much. All done before watching demo.
Hi laura, good job. I would recomend that you retry those laces with CSI as well. Try to get it by doing lines and curves. The way that you did looks like that you tryed with one single stroke that looks kinda shaky
Hey man, good job. I am learning as well and one think that helped me with CSI method is to practice my lines and curves to warm up before a drawing. That helped me to get clean lines and curves. The shell was a bit tricky for me as well, Try to simplify it more, some of your strokes are to thick than the others.
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Hi again :) Could you please critique my sketch? This suppost to be a penguin sketch to practice the sketch method. If you guys have any advices about sketches, please let me know :) And yes, I know my penguin is a little fat :D Thanks for the help See you in my next drawing!!
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Hey guys, could you please critique my drawing? I am practicing the CSI method in this boots drawing. The hardest part of this drawing for me was the bottom of the boots. I actually dont think that I got that right. And the shoelaces were hard too. Please feel free to say anything that could make my drawing better or something like that. I am trying to learn so I need all kinds of critique. Dont be shy :) Thank you for the support.
Patrick Bosworth
Hey @andy29! Nice job on this assignment! You kept your CSI lines simple and clean, there's some really nice fluidity to the gesture of the snail body, and you got pretty close on the body proportions! You mentioned you noticed the proportion of the shell being too tall which was the first thing that jumped out to me as well. While you're at this stage of the drawing it helps to look at the drawing in a mirror, or take a photo of your work and flip the image so you can see it with fresh eyes and make corrections. A lot of your proportion, placement, or measuring errors will stick out when you mirror your image and study it for a moment while doing a lay in. Here's an overlay so you can see where you were close to the proportions of the snail body, and where the shell is off. Stan covers a lot about measuring and checking proportions in the next section of basics. Hope this helps! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the critic. It means a lot. I will improve myself to get better with the proportions. Thanks again
I did notice that I made the first layer of the shell to big, so I will fix that!
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