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Tuija Kuismin
added comment inProject - Mannequin Hands
Asked for help
Level 1 hands. It's ridiculous how I can't decide which way to rotate a box. However hard this assignment is, it was great fun and I'm learning a lot. I feel like I'm starting to grasp the right idea of perspective, which hopefully allows me to pay more attention to proportion and shape in future drawings.
I wanted to do this both on paper and digitally, to practice drawing lines using a tablet along with figuring out boxes and perspective. This is a curious thing, I find that struggling with bad, wobbly lines when using a digital ink brush is somehow improving my technique with pen and paper. Go figure. Line quality aside, on this project, smudge appeals to me what comes to style so it's purposeful with these digitally drawn box-hands, please don't judge me for it :D.
I'm really glad I gave this assignment a lot of time. Level 2 next, and I'm excited to tackle that because I think, in some ways, using a reference is constricting and keeping me from trusting the feeling and following intuition. So much fun!

These are lovely
Blake Pawlikowski
Asked for help
Did some practice on eyes. The first is obviously following the demo/step-by-step. The other two are from reference. I've always loved drawing eyes, but the anatomy details shared along with this lesson were very helpful in pushing a bit further and understanding more of what I'm drawing and including better detail . Will certainly be doing more eyes, but also need to get more Loomis heads in (I'm only maybe at 50 of the 100) and probably will still push forward to do the rest of the features. Thanks in advance for any feedback or thoughts. There are some things I've noticed to improve on, but generally happy with these.
Very nice sweeping force in your lines, they are rather clean!
I see what is holding you back from producing a 3D feel in your head construction. It is the fact that your lines are not agreeing with each other, they do not relate to one another in a singular 3D space.
This is because when lines are parallel or converging, they tell our brain that they are part of a plain, like a wall, in a 3D reality that we are seeing through a sort of window, which is your picture plane, the paper.
The illusion is thus broken because the lines do not agree and we can immediately then read them as flat linear shapes on a flat surface.
To fix this you must study Perspective. There is no way around it but fortunately it is not at all rocket science, although it definitely has mathematical concepts in it, such as parallel lines, angles, etc.
I will recommend that you check out a fun little video to introduce yourself to Perspective made by the wonderful Marshall Vandruff as a Halloween special on youtube:
Follow that by checking out a book called Perspective Made Easy, and patiently do the exercises. It might take a few weeks to get through it all, but it is THE most essential tool you will have as an artist that wants to draw things that appear to have volume.
I think it would be helpful to practice landmarking. There's a lot of energy here but some of the angles could use more direction. There's a lot of tension in the arm connected to the ground, for instance. Accuracy isn't the point of a gesture drawing but some amount helps the human brain more easily see a person. I like Marco's points about adding plumb lines to tether parts of the body to each other while remaining loose.
Watch that your angles don't converge too quickly or become a trapezoid form -- we want to follow the direction of the box, rather than the jaw. The jaw tends to taper to a smaller size, but the box will follow the most simple breakdown of the entire head, which will make it easier to use in perspective once things become more complicated. Hope this helps! :)
Vue Thao
Sorry for the poor quality of the two reference photos. I use my Android phone to take photos. On that day they were cloudy day.