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Asked for help
Hello everyone, Could I get a critique on the latest portrait I’ve been working on? I’m quite happy with it overall, I think it resembles the reference somewhat and I was happy with the neck area. What specific areas should I work on to make the next one better? Thanks!
Here’s my attempt at drawing the loomis head from extreme angles (maybe not extreme enough?). I should have probably left the neck outlines out but I’m fascinated with the way the neck connects to the head in these angles. Also no.4 looks off proportion wise but I’m not sure why? Any critique & tips are much appreciated!
Thanks Aaron, I’m really interested in how these muscles connect, but I’ll be honest, I haven’t got as far as studying them yet. I’ve guessed how they work in some of them, and in others I’m a bit puzzled in what to define. I’ll work on this once I have developed the Loomis head and features. Thanks!
Here’s my attempt at a side view. My main concern was that the neck looks a bit too thin? I added a bit of colour because I get distracted easily
Thanks Rebecca, yes something doesn’t look quite right. Do you mean the angle where the neck connects to the chest or the head?
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