Activity Feed
Dan Walden
Dodge-man! The Untouchable Defender! He's quick! He's nimble! His enemies defeat themselves! I really wanted to go for the vintage comic look, e.i. The Amazing Spider-man. I started by planning out my page and throwing down some quick gestures. Once I landed on an arrangement, I blocked out my anatomy and cleaned up each figure to begin the line work. To keep everything to scale and looking classic, I decided to do the lines with real ink. I scanned those back in and did some quick color work. I was hoping to do a shading pass before I finished, but here we are. Stay agile, citizens!
Stephanie Miller
Dude, not gonna lie, this is absolute perfection! The vintage mock up definitely sells the piece. Awesome job! πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ
Hello everyone! Mi hero for the challenge is Fart-Man, the devastating farts hero.
Stephanie Miller
Duh Nuh a nuh a nuh a FART MAN! 🀣 Seriously awesome concept man & nice work! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
Aaron Osofsky
My Unexpected Superhero is the Digital Security Warrior and protector inside all my IOS devices, but specifically my Ipad.  Unseen, and unsung, the IOS defender effectively repels an onslaught of digital threats.  I have imagined, gendered, incarnated, and depicted him as a hyper-masculine digital seraphim warrior. He has many devices in his tool belt to protect and repair code from oncoming malware threats, but he mostly employs a binary code-wielding sword against the invaders, and launches telepathically controlled β€œrepair algorithm cubes”to restore corrupted code. His gauzy levitating wings and halo, also composed of binary code, inform you that this telepathic digital warrier operates with the support of mystical allies.  I imagined the digital malware invaders coming in swarms. I represented the large dominant malware attackers (shown in translucent cream) to be a chimeric amalgamation comprised of machine, insect, human, virus, and blemmyae (a mythical race of headless people) The scene depicts the slaying of a malware invader by our superhero. The malware  attacker depicted has a redundant β€œspine”, and bleeds red and green blood where it is transected at the midriff.  It will require strength, bravery, endurance, and a mystical devotion to manage the ongoing digital malware invasion. My unexpected superhero is ready. 
Stephanie Miller
That's actually a really cool concept. Nice to know all of our IOS devices will be safe the Digital Security Warrior around! πŸ˜„πŸ‘
Nir Zaid
Everyone wants your data, they force you to accept cookies, they look through your browsing history, and they know you more then you know yourself... In order to survive in this time and age, there is only one superhero who can save you - MR.INCOGNITO! - DEFENDER OF YOUR BROWSING HISTORY! With MR.INCOGNITO by your side, you can safely watch Proko's "How to Draw BUTTS" video without anyone knowing about it. "Stay Safe! and don't forget to press Ctrl + Shift + n" - MR.INCOGNITO's Motto.
Stephanie Miller
Nice to that my browsing history is safe with Mr. Incognito around πŸ€£πŸ˜…
Mira Sand
Hello everyone! This is my unexpected superhero and her sidekick: "Baba G and Pisi". Baba G's superpowers include but are not limited to: Pacifying you with her caretaking superpowers, Scolding you into shame and Overfeeding you with delicious goodness untill you cannot move. She spends her days tending to her garden and taking care of everyone around her-friend or foe. Nobody is immune to her tasty treats, her gentle touch or her words of wisdom. Wherever she goes, Pisi is right there to keep her company. She's inspired by my grandma-Georgia (85yo) and her sidekick is my cat-Pisi (14yo).
Stephanie Miller
Not gonna lie, I seriously love the idea of Grandma being an undercover super hero!πŸ’œπŸ˜Š
Noah Albrecht
An evil team of thugs takes over the city, and a 10yo boy tech genius decides to do something about it. Along with his faithful K-9, he sets up his secret HQ in the warehouse of his dad's old plunger business and emerges as . . . "Dart Boy and Suction Pup" . . . fighting crime at night in an unexpected way. Also, what would it look like as a graphic novel?
Stephanie Miller
Dude, this looks awesome & love the concept!πŸ‘πŸ˜Š
karolina zebrowska aka β€œmeme mom” as a red crowned crane
Stephanie Miller
Ah dude, I love Karolina! I also love her transformation into a graceful crane that you depicted. It looks so flawless. Amazing job! :D
Rebecca Shay
I saw this cute photo of two pigs and thought of the draftsmen podcast for whatever reason. πŸ˜‚
Stephanie Miller
Honestly, it does kind of fit the draftsmen podcast and it's really cute to boot. Awesome work!πŸ˜πŸ’œ
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