I'm now taking questions for my upcoming livestream.
I'll be going live at 12pm PDT on the new Proko3D YouTube channel. I'll be showing you how I sculpt a hand in ZBrush and during the demo you'll be able to get your questions answered about 3D modeling.

Hi ,
Do you think a 2d anatomy drawing pro will have easy to move into 3d digital sculpting.?
I am NOT sure if proko's
Figure drawing fundamentals and anatomy lesson (head , torso,limb)
will help me. I am a beginner into 3d Digital sculpting using blender or zbrush or maya.
Plzz reply 🥺

Is it a good idea to learn rigging and animation as a character artist? I have a genuine interest in the area but I worry it will be a waste of time
Julia Whitenight
Jama Jurabaev: Avengers: Age of Ultron, X-men: Days of future past, Guardians of the Galaxy and many others... http://jamajurabaev.com/

Lucas Rodrigo
Hey J what you suggest for a person who wants to get their first 3d work?
I like to sculpt and retopo characters I need to texture them too?

Opinions on online schools like cgspectrum?
Juan Cardenas
Hello! I wanted to be able to sculpt my own characters, but I heard learning to draw would help improve faster than just sculpting. Its been 1 year since ive started and think its true. What do you think?
Also, you mentioned how a ton of 2d artist just think about graphic 2d shapes, but I never saw it that way. I've been trying to train myself to be able to draw invented figures from any angle training my perspective, mannequins and drawing volumetrically. I've been studying comic book artists like David Finch, who studied some Bridgeman, with cleaner looking invented figures (imo).
(I don't idolize Bridgeman, but he has helped me think of forms more in 2d.)

I am passionate about making 3d models (games, animation,3d printing) & selling them Online. How likely is it that my work is safe online? What if someone infringes and uses my work in his projects. E.g I see my 3d model in a Youtube video. Can I send them a copyright strike? Do copyrights work in 3d effectively?

Hello j, i really love your work and working to become a 3d artist, any tips for getting a first job as a 3d artist if you live outside the country?

Would you recommend doing individual studies of each part, or it is better to do complete bodies when studying anatomy?

Hey J just wanted to say thank you for all the content you create, just wanted to ask what if you have any tips or recommendations to create a schedule for practice sculpting
Thank you, and keep rocking!!

How to make the flappy skin between the fingers and the lines on the palm.
And can we translate all zbrush sculpting tools to blender as well?

Hey J,
Do you think it is a good idea for 3D artists to go to art school? Of course when you are good enough to get a job in the industry there is not really a reason to go but for someone who isn't at that level yet is it a good Idea? If yes what are some good art schools with 3D courses if the end goal is working in the game/movie industry?
Danil Hovorov
what are the most important gadgets for 3d artist. I'm want to update my setup. What i should look for first ?

John Senderak
If I wanted to learn to sculpt organic forms, like hands, heads, etc as opposed to things like hard surface modeling, is there a most efficient way to learn zbrush for that purpose?
Seth Lynch
Hey J, I'm new to Zbrush for about 3 months, I want to work as a Concept artist/Character artist, how did you personally tackle learning anatomy?

Hello again!
1. How did you manage to stay motivated when learning the anatomy and other more technical processes of character creation? I found that whenever I try my best to focus on one task (like anatomy studies) I struggle to stay motivated through the constant failures. I do understand that failure is an important step of succeeding but it doesn't really feel good, failing tenths of times before getting good results. How did you cope with that as a learning artist?
2. Is it of any use to a character artist to learn how to rig and animate characters? I wouldn't do it because of someone forcing me to do it, but rather to develop an interest :D

Hi J!
I have always been fascinated by the idea of working from home whilst earning industry level salaries. Is it a good idea to have a go at freelancing straight after graduating or rather do my best to get industry connections while still at school and work for a few years in the industry before that?
I would love to eventually move on to being an Indie developer (as I personally think that graphics is the hardest thing to get good at, which is why I made it the focal point of my career) so becoming independent is definitely my end goal, I just wonder how early I should start developing that independance :D
This was a bit of a messy question so here's a TLDR: Im at University currently. Should I go for freelancing after graduating or focus on getting into the industry first and foremost?
Thanks :)

Hi J, I'm a fan of your work and love your timelapses and tutorials on YouTube.
My question is regarding anatomy practice - what does structured practice actually look like and consist of in practical terms for aspiring 3D character artists or digital sculptors? Do you have any exercise recommendations? Does 'speed sculpting' in Dynamesh act as a 3D equivalent to rough sketching for 2D artists?
Further to this, do you have any recommendation for how 3D sculptors can get the most out of old-school anatomy manuals e.g. Bridgman, Hogarth, Peck? Is it a case of reading cover to cover and soaking up the knowledge, or trying to recreate a lot of the 2D illustrations as 3D forms?
I hope those questions make sense and thanks so much for your time! Looking forward to the stream!
- Marcus

Hey J, thank you for the demo
I'm a student considering transition from 2d to 3d, which is a really tough choice, a bit of an indentity crisis really. Wanted to be a fantasy illustrator but recently it dawned on me what i'd really want to do eventually is direct video games, and so 3d and production phase work seem like a more suitable path.
Semester starts on october, so to make a more educated decision, here are a few questions:
1. Are you coming from a 2d background? Do you find it's necessary to drop one of these to achieve mastery in the other? Is it possible at all to maintain high skill in both 2d and 3d? Is it useful for a 3d artist to be a capable draftsmen as well?
2. Looking at the field from the outside, what worries me is that success seems like it's based more on software-workflow knowledge rather than pure skill.
It's like brute strength against wits and tricks if the comparison makes sense.
What do you think? How would you compare the two fields?
3. On the same vein: Could you zero in on the fundamentals of 3d, and the ways one should go about learning them? What are some good resources to draw from? Any recommended books? What about exercises?
4. Finally, how do you think a.i such as those already used in facial animation on Avengers Infinity War will affect the field in the near future? (Damn you proko box a.i) How can 3d artists hope to keep their jobs and stay relevant in a future where the machine is responsible for the bulk of the work? (Should be a problem for 2d art as well)
Sorry for the obscenely long question
P.S I love you Marshall