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Zach Pipher
added comment ineBook: Foot Muscles
How should one approach this book? Do we draw everything in the book twice? What do you recommend?
Juan Cardenas
Draw it until you're blue in the face. - Jeff Watts
Hello! I wanted to be able to sculpt my own characters, but I heard learning to draw would help improve faster than just sculpting. Its been 1 year since ive started and think its true. What do you think?
Also, you mentioned how a ton of 2d artist just think about graphic 2d shapes, but I never saw it that way. I've been trying to train myself to be able to draw invented figures from any angle training my perspective, mannequins and drawing volumetrically. I've been studying comic book artists like David Finch, who studied some Bridgeman, with cleaner looking invented figures (imo).
(I don't idolize Bridgeman, but he has helped me think of forms more in 2d.)
Juan Cardenas
Something a made a while ago. Really proud of it. I've been studying at Watts Atelier's online program. It really helped. I wanted to learn how to draw for a long time after a year or so I'm here. :) I really want to improve and get closer to the stuff I wanna draw in my 2nd year.