Activity Feed
Almost did not want to post this. First attempt at these beans and it is a Struggle! #4 & 6 are very different poses but you can’t that from the beans. I will have to rewatch the video a few more times and see what I can learn..
Practiced more, then re-did beans in blue. Comparing the two I liked that I was able to exaggerate more, but still don’t know if I’m doing this exercise correctly or not. I have trouble determining the center line, especially if the hips. Please feel free to advise/critique.
Another set of 2 min gestures. Hopefully I’m not considered spamming, looking for feedback. Tried to focus on asymmetrical contours and having the flow line follow all the way through the figure.
One more set, open for any critiques. Is there a way to pay for classes or how do I get feedback on how to improve?
Another set of 2mins, a couple dragged on to 3-4 mins because my proportions were out of control: really long torso’s, really long limbs.
Did a couple more, 2 mins, except #11 & 12, I did maybe 4 mins because the pose was difficult for me to get down. Unfortunately I feel like I’m doing more contour sketches rat her than actually capturing the gesture. Any advice?
Day 1 - been studying faces too much and got bored so now I'm gonna try to improve my figures, so I decided to pick up the course. Any advice on my gestures would be greatly appreciated.
I’m learning myself, so not much I can provide on advice, but love your style. The bottom right laying down is my favorite, your line work really shows the weight on her back and the sharp angle of her left arm. I like that initial flow line you put in the body on your gestures. Really helps capture the movement of the poses, I might have to try that one as well! My drawings are looking stiff after looking at yours.
Please help critique. 2 min gesture each. I feel like I can do these forever, so addicting, but I can’t tell if I’m doing it right, getting better, or how to improve.
Trying out this platform, let’s see if I get any feedback! procreate, 60 sec poses from first lesson on how to draw gestures.
Not sure if this is the right place for questions, but does purchasing this course come with assignment reviews? I saw a video review that said that you must complete assignments and then reviewers will let you know if you are ready for the next assignment.
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