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Quinn Ingram
added comment inProject - Proportions
Asked for help
I needed this proportion review so badly lol.
Quinn Ingram
General question: How do we know when we've gotten confident enough in one section to move onto the next? I feel I'm starting to get the hang of gesture and the bean, but I don't want to build off of that before they're second-nature... or should I Just be powering forward, and continuing to practice fundamentals on the side as I go? Any input would be appreciated, thanks!
You're the best judge, but I would say when you can get consistent results. You don't need to master a topic before moving on but you definitely want to have a good grasp on the concepts and be able to execute them. Occasionally you might get stuck on something and find that leaving it for a while and returning to it later triggers a breakthrough. Follow what feels right to you!
Asked for help
sorry not a submission but is there a recommended pose pack? too many options and Idk i can only buy one rn