Hey nicely done on this one! If I was going to give a critique I would say that the angle of the jaw looks to be a bit too close to 90 degrees, (a more obtuse angle of the jaw should look more natural) the mound of the mouth from the front view loos to be too wide so thinning that from side to side might help. From above it looks great. Keep It up it looks like you've been learning a lot!
Hi Andrew, You mention this flat tool as your favorite.
I can't really find the match in my Internet searches. I use Xiem tools which are similar but with a curved end. Could you give the reference and possibly a link? Thanks
Very good! Looking great. The only thing that stands out is that maybe the mound of the mouth could be a little rounder but I think for this exercise this is one of the better ones I've seen so great job! Keep it up!
Hey looking really good! The proportions feel pretty accurate. You might be able to use a little more clay in the back of the skull (cranial mass) I think it's really looking good. Keep it up!
Looking very good! the bottom of the jaw might travel a little to far back making the angle of the jaw a little to close to a right angle. and I think you could add some more clay to the back of the skull (cranial mass). Really nicely done! keep going!
I struggled with symmetry a lot. There was a lot of "left isn't equal to the right", going back and forth between different angles to see my mistakes.
I thought it would be step by step adding until it was done, but as I noticed from your video, I takes a lot of constant checking.
How did I do? Any big mistakes I should have noticed? Is the mouth big enough?
Looking good. There are some structural issues as well as some proportion issues. It might help to rewatch the video on the simplified skull and compare it with that. But It's a good effort and practice makes improvement so keep it up! I look forward to seeing more!
I'd double check the shape of the skull from the front view. it might be the perspective but to me it appears a little too oval or egg shaped. Keep up the good work!
My first skull and in fact my first sculpture of any worth, was a daunting challenge indeed. I put in long hours over days of distractions and kept coming back again and again. I have a life-size skull I bought to model with and this is kind of a hybrid of your and my thick skull. I’m having to call, “Hold” and move on to the next lessons. I will come back to this one for many weeks. It’s been fascinating and obsessive. Will start over on the mouth. I’m still exploring texture. Right now I’m kinda thumb finish, except for my fat fingers wont reach. Which lesson speaks the most to the Mouth Mound basics? Where can I get simple information for mould making and casting?
My first skull and in fact my first sculpture of any worth, was a daunting challenge indeed. I put in long hours over days of distractions and kept coming back again and again. I have a life-size skull I bought to model with and this is kind of a hybrid of your and my thick skull. I’m having to call, “Hold” and move on to the next lessons. I will come back to this one for many weeks. It’s been fascinating and obsessive. Will start over on the mouth. I’m still exploring texture. Right now I’m kinda thumb finish, except for my fat fingers wont reach.
Which lesson speaks the most to the Mouth Mound basics?
Where can I get simple information for mould making and casting?
Hey that's looking great! For the mound of the mouth you can look at the early demos of my skull sculpting process or the video lessons on the simplified skull. I recommend "Brick in the yard mold supply" YouTube channel that goes over mold making techniques and materials. they are far more experienced with mold making than I am.
Finally finished up the skull assignment. For reference imagery I was predominantly focusing on skull that I found on Pinterest. Although, the reference teeth didn't appear to be correct (?) - so looked at other reference for those. The teeth also took way longer than I was anticipating.
There was a lot of quite heavy revising, even late on, but overall I'm pretty happy with the outcome.
Ok, so I really should be cracking on with my next fresh assignments. But I thought I'd share where I ultimately took my skull model to. I will use this as a base for the face and neck muscles assignment.
I enjoyed this project far more for having started with real clay, felt like a real journey.
Looking great! One thing that stands out that might help is the dental mound might be too wide from side to side. (though it appears the reference has a fairly wide dental mound especially towards the back teeth) there is also a plane change from the front plane of the mound of the mouth and then at the canines it changes direction to the side plane of the dental mound. hopefully that makes sense. Thanks so much for posting your work and I hope you'll keep it up!
I used a different 3D model of a skull that looks a bit different.
The oil clay I am using is more granular and too sticky than chavant NSP (a bit expensive)
From the beginning I've wrapped the neck with too much paper, so made it too large.
Great job! I feel the outer edge of the eye socket looks too far forward, needs to wrap around toward the back more and the bridge of the nose looks too long. However I’m basing that on a European average skull of course. And each skull is unique, so I have no idea what your ref looks like. Otherwise, as I said, great job!
Great job! I'm not sure what the skull reference looked like but it looks like some of the transitions between the forms (the nose to the cheekbones to the mouth for example) could use some more attention. the cylinder of the mouth also might be a little wide from the front view. its looking great from above! Keep it up!
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Sculpt a realistic skull using the tips shared in this lesson and previous sections. You can find part 1 and part 2 here.