Sculpt a Realistic Skull | Part 1

Sculpt a Realistic Skull | Part 1

Mark as Completed

Sculpt a Realistic Skull | Part 1

Mark as Completed

Build a wire armature with a stand, fill the armature with newspaper to provide a block in and help you save clay and finish by sculpting your block in and adding high points and indicators.

I got my hands on some "used" waterbased clay. One was sliky smooth, the other one quite sandy. Both of them were mixed in the box, so I just didnt care and grabbed both clays and put them together. That is where the differences in the texture came from. Although I still see lots of mistakes, I am for once quite happy with the results.
3D Skull Model:
Full sized skull rough in.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! it feels like the front plane of the face might be a little flat when looking at it from the side view. Also I think the cranial mass in the back of the skull is too small compared to the facial mass. overall a great study! keep up the good work!
Stephen Rapp
Any corrections at this point?
Andrew Joseph Keith
You might double check the side view silhouette. it looks like it might need for the chin to be brought down a bit and the forehead might need to be a little higher as well. remember the eyes are about in the center of the head when looking at someone straight on. Keep going! good job!
Roy Nottage
I've prematurely got quite far through my 'realistic skull' - I wasn't totally sure if the Anatomy of the Skull lessons were the sum of lessons for that (and I wanted to keep with the pace of the lessons). Awesome that there's more - @Andrew Joseph Keith roughly how many weeks do you think will cover sculpting the 'realistic skull'? I should've used a metal rod as per your suggestion in the video. I tightly wound loads of stiff paper around a big nail. I thought it'd be fine, but it's become quite precarious under the weight of the clay... and on a wood block that is definitely too small...
Andrew Joseph Keith
The demos will be broken into three videos. Then we'll move onto the anatomy of the head. if the metal rod doesn't give enough support sometimes nailing or gluing a wood dowel or 2 by 2 wood board onto the baseboard works as well for portraiture. depending on the type of clay and size of the work it sometimes needs additional support.
Love the wit! Oh yes, and the tutelage
Andrew Joseph Keith
haha thanks!
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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