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This is my assignment of the ear from side and back.
Asked for help
It took a long time to give as much volume to the areas around the lips to avoid flatness. I had problems with the corner of the mouth. Redid them a few times. It looks like a smile from the side, but normal from the front. I can't figure it out. How can I do it better? Also are there any big mistakes?
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey it's looking good. it does look like the secondary forms are too blocky. Try smoothing out the transitions between forms. Also pay close attention to your references from the front, side, above and below angles. Keep it up! you're doing great!
First time refining something so much. I like how much it improved the sculpture. Do I have any big mistakes?
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! Maybe just pay attention to the proportions of the bottom of the nose compared to the brow ridge. It might be the photos but it feels a little off. I might also try to focus on how the transitions like the crease around the nostrils moves from an abrupt angle to a soft transition as you move up and around the nostril. Keep it up you're doing great!
This assignment went better than yesterday. The improvement is visible. I will probably have to practice everything a lot of times until it gets easier.
Asked for help
The transition from the nostrils to the nose was hard to figure out when the model had a slow transition between them.
I think it went better this time. The bigger scale and the previous tries made it slightly easier. I'm struggling with the area around the eye the most and the planes of the forehead. Any tips for it? Are the mistakes still flagrant?
Andrew Joseph Keith
It is looking good! Yes the area around the eye is tricky for sure. You might consider taking some time to clean up the transitions between forms and soften things (like the planes of the forehead) I think if you devoted a few more hours to this one those issues would start to resolve. Be sure to check your reference from above and below as well as your sculpture for a better idea of the forms.
Asked for help
I have done and redone this several times. I either had the cheeks/forehead look flat or the eye look flat. Whenever I added material to one, the other one looked way too flat. This is the best attempt in a lot of hours. I have huge problems around the eye and making the eye look 3d. I think I can't judge depth well enough. Any tips to help with that? Where am I making big mistakes?
I struggled with symmetry a lot. There was a lot of "left isn't equal to the right", going back and forth between different angles to see my mistakes. I thought it would be step by step adding until it was done, but as I noticed from your video, I takes a lot of constant checking. How did I do? Any big mistakes I should have noticed? Is the mouth big enough?
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good. There are some structural issues as well as some proportion issues. It might help to rewatch the video on the simplified skull and compare it with that. But It's a good effort and practice makes improvement so keep it up! I look forward to seeing more!
Moved the chin over the mouth when finishing because it looked like I sculpted the mouth way down. Any mistakes besides that?
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good though I would add a bit more to the chin. there should be a mound for the mouth and a mound for the chin.
I thought it took ages, but it was only a few hours. Are there any notable mistakes that I should adress?
Andrew Joseph Keith
This is looking great! The angle of the jawline might be a little close to 90 degrees but for the most part I really like what I'm seeing with this simplified head! Keep it up!
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