Reviewing Your $5 Sculptures
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Figure Sculpting Fundamentals

Capturing Gesture

Reviewing Your $5 Sculptures

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Reviewing Your $5 Sculptures

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Andrew Joseph Keith
The results for the $5 Sculpture Challenge are in! Check out the video for my critiques and to find out who the winners are.
Graham Poor
3+ hours. Felt fast initially then it felt like wack a mole with the fine features, technique or harder clay? I cheated and used some recycled Chavant I had could have been hard, but I want harder. Paper clip and pencil and tried flaming it once. Will be searching for harder clay or grogless water based. Not to blame the tools but some clay just doest take detailslike eyelashes at this scale.
Andrew Joseph Keith
yeah you might try a couple different types of clay to see what you like. Each type of clay will have advantages and disadvantages.
Graham Poor
After seeing that most of your critiques were on the documentation, I decided to re-upload my sculpture here after making lighting and background adjustments. No more kitty.
Marena Kehl
Thanks, Andrew, for the critiques. Very helpful in training one's eye.
Good feedback vid Andrew thank you. I’ll take on board the photography tips for future assignments. Well done to the winners, and all that shared their work.
Andrew Joseph Keith
You’re welcome! I look forward to seeing more assignments from everyone!
Dan Schofield
Well done everyone who entered, congratulations to the fellow winners, and thank you Andrew for the appreciation and comments. I watched a couple of the follow alongs and found the advice to focus on contours really helpful. If anyone is looking for a silver bullet, that made this second sculpture of mine a huge improvement on my first one. Happy sculpting everyone!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Awesome to hear you’re improving! Keep it up!
Wayne Lam
Much appreciated for the review on my first pose!
Paige Krämer
Yay! 🥈🙂😎
Michael M
Thank you, Andrew, for your perceptive observations, and thanks to all who participated offering much to learn from!
Andrew Joseph Keith
You're welcome and thanks for your participation!
Yiming Wu
Cool! People are so skilled, it's so interesting to see how everyone does things slightly different.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Yes absolutely! I'm excited to see people's progression through the course.
Ke Sigerson
Thank you for all the constructive comments. Working on my short gesture sculpt now.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Awesome! Keep it up!
Charles Tryon
Yeah... camera! I think many of the images (including mine) were taken with a phone camera, which, as you say, distorts horribly! For my normal sculptural work, I use a mid-range DSLR with a 50mm lens, so it forces me to back away a bit, and reduce the distortion.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Yes that is a good point! I think most phone cameras are ok now if you have the right lighting and set up but obviously a better camera will make a difference.
Parting Mist
Thank you for taking the time to review the sculptures. Was fun to make , ill sculpt again! Ill try to get the length on my torso better.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Awesome! I look forward to seeing your progression! Just keep sculpting.
Gayatri M
Thank you for the critiques Andrew. I will work on it. Congratulations to the winners🥳
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey thanks for the participation! I look forward to seeing more student work!
Stan Prokopenko
lol. You win a new car....ving. Good one.
Andrew Joseph Keith
haha yeah I thought it was a good one.
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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