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Sue Bailey
added comment inAdjustable Armatures
My NSP Chavant medium clay is SO hard! Is this normal? How do you soften it? I’m trying a lamp but not much change. I read that you an add a small amount of hot water to pieces of clay and let it sit overnight. Please help!
Yes it’s pretty hard out of the block but I like to warm it in the oven at a low temperature like 150 degrees Fahrenheit for a bit. Once you’ve worked it more it becomes softer. You also might like the soft clay if you prefer working on a larger scale or working mostly by hand.
Mark Taylor
I use hard, The way I condition my clay is I use a 6 inch putty knife to cut it into smaller pieces and use a dedicated crock pot on a low temp. It softens it right up and it’s easy to use. Don’t get too hot , It can burn you.
it can be microwaved too. Once you handle and mold the stuff, it soon becomes more malleable.
Vivid Memory
Yes, it is pretty hard when you first open it up. I put mine on a plate in the oven at a low temperature for about 10 minutes. Then I wait until I can handle it without it being too hot and slice it up into smaller pieces that are easier to warm up in my hands in the future.
Gayatri M
Asked for help
This should be taught in schools because it’s fun to make and it helps us to build finger calluses like guitarist. Which is cool. The only difference is, our hurt more🤣(🥲)
Jokes aside, this loop thingy is very cool. It gives us more flexibility to change the basic posture and build of the sculpture.
About the armature. Unlike last time, I have kept the hip unit a little less than one unit. I see the problem in my previous armatures now. But can I use them for future studies anyways, by bending them downwards or something? Please tell if the proportion on this one is ok? It might look off at the head because I cut the wire too soon.
Gayatri M
Thank you for the critiques Andrew. I will work on it.
Congratulations to the winners🥳
Gayatri M
Loved the entire process.
Tried to follow along and made this.
It looks like, he is begging for me to stop sculpting😅 but I didn't because practice makes perfect. 😜
Gayatri M
Asked for help
Did my 3 wire armatures.
I tried 1st one while watching the lesson and forgot to make the left leg :P
So, I had to add left leg separately. 2nd armature is 1 inch per unit and 3rd armature is 1cm per unit.
I just created the armature with exact ratio mentioned but didn't give any posture to them.
Please suggest me, if that needs to be done as well.
Gayatri M
I am surprised that I could make something like this on my first try with very few resources.
Experience from sketching does help a lot in sculpting.
For this challenge, I used some cheap non drying clay, aluminum foil, safety pins, a sim card pin and my hands.
I used aluminum foil for armature and then built on that with soft non drying clay. For details, I used safety pins and sim card pin. The pinching side of the abs was the most challenging part in this pose.
Overall, I enjoyed this challenge and look forward to this course to unfold.
Gayatri M
Asked for help
This is my first sculpture practice. Not only on proko but in my life as well. So, please feel free to critique.
I am using the pose Jesse233. I can see few mistakes myself. Like, center line on the back and pinching side of the torso. I doubt if my foil armature was right for this pose or not.
I am enjoying this a lot. So, if you think I should start from the scratch again then I would totally do it. :P