Hand Bones Assignment Example

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Hand Bones Assignment Example

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This motion ...... shouldn't be easy to do without an external force or without gripping something, right?
Steven Stavrakis
Anyone know where I can find the sample hand poses? I see the two neutral hand models, but not the posed ones...
E. Wuetherick-Gunther
Under the Lesson Notes for the first video (How to Draw Hand Bones) there are five 3d models you can manipulate. Took me a while to find them too!
Gannon Beck
Brushing up on hand bones.
Not Bad (better than i can do)
Art Stark
Nice. :)
Rachel Dawn Owens
Wow, nice study!
Rachel Dawn Owens
I like how you drew so many hands together. It makes the page more interesting to look at. Nice studies 👍
The odd contours of the bent cubes are making me struggle a bit.
i spent to much time on this
Phattara Groodpan
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Phattara Groodpan, I think these drawings look pretty nice. Good job using Stan's examples to improve your work. One thing I hope you take with you, is the gestural lay-in he starts his drawings with. Gesture is key for a drawing to come alive. -Have you tried the gesture exercise (How to Draw Gesture) and the mannequinization exercise (Mannequinization – Structure of the Human Body). I think practicing these will really help you in your drawings. Drawing muscles and bones is like drawing a really complex mannequin. If you want some guidance feel free to tag me (@Jesper Axelsson) when you post some gesture quicksketches or mannequins. Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
It looks like there's an issue with this video lesson (after downloaded), it only loads the sounds as if it's an audio file. The other ones before this lesson are fine.
Katey Jensma
Hi @cluz can you email me at support@proko.com so I can help you with this?
I think @Katey Jensma might be able to check this!
Gergely Papp
Is the first 3d pics thumb broken? It feels very unnetural how the bons are. Are there also 3d models of the pics or just the pics?
Gergely Papp
thx so much
Katey Jensma
Hey, @Gergely Papp! According to Stan, double-jointed people actually can move the thumb like that - he says his thumb does that and did this drawing based on his own hand. And I think there is not a 3D model of the hand in these specific poses, really just the images in the “Downloads” tab. The 3D Model: The Hand Bones is set to a basic pose only.
Sandra Süsser
Hand bones test and study #1
I like the "drawing dynamic hand bones" video. Now that I've watched that I may need to take another crack at it.
Sandra Süsser
Lovely rendering <3
Marco Sordi
2021/8/4. Hi everyone. Here's my first attempt for this section. Thanks.
Hi everyone These are my exercises from free videos
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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