Form intersections are how forms can be combined to create depth using line weight and perspective.

Thank you Mr Hampton, the lessons are helping me to wrap my head around issues that have plagued me for some time.
Thanks for explaining *why* understanding form and form intersections and everything is so important. Blew my mind when you started showing it with anatomy because yeah, it really IS just more complex form interesections

hi Michael, can you tell me about your digital set up ie what package and brushes you use. thanks
Sure thing. Here's a screenshot of my brush. It's pretty basic, just a photoshop stock round with pressure sensitivity. Hope this helps.

Honestly Form intersection has always intimidated me, despite doing boxes, spheres and ellipses I've never attempted to combine them. Now I'm starting small and just combining 2 forms. Thanks for the advice Hampton.
Nice! And ya, totally intimidating. Just take it in small bites. In the end it's all just to develop the way you think and develop space. It will never be shown to anyone so no pressure.

Hi! Going forward, is there a rough due date for each assignment? Do we have a week or so to do them?
No due date. The assignments are up indefinitely here. I'll try and check in as often as I can to give some feedback if needed.
Does it matter what type of pencil we use? I heard that beginner artist subconsciously try to hide bad quality lines and curves with normal sketch pencils. It's better to use ink pens when practicing because it exposes and makes it clear to the eyes every flaw in line making when self critiquing.
Hopes with question makes sense. Thanks.
Mia le Roux
I love using microns for line practice, forms, etc. Comes from tattoo apprentice days haha. But it is more to put myself in a headspace that I am just practicing basics and to be okay with mistakes. It also helps me to draw with pen to build confidence to just just start drawing on a blank page.
Totally makes sense. And I agree. I prefer pens for these exercises. My favorite are the standard bic pens. I have a red and black. I love these because they don't bead up or smear. You can also be a little looser/sketchier with them unlike a marker. Hope this helps!
Menelik Powell
Hey Michael! Do you prefer that the assignment is done digitally or analog? Is it up to the student's preference?
Really up to you. However, I sometimes encourage students to do these early exercises in pencil/pen as it forces a greater awareness of your posture, drawing mechanics, etc. Totally your preference though.
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About instructor
Educator, painter, writer, and art historian. Author of Figure Drawing: Design and Invention.