My closing thoughts on the Figure Drawing Fundamental Course.
Love Byström
Recent figure drawing. 20 min Feedback is welcome! :)
Hej @Love Byström , najs teckning!
Hi @Love Byström, nice drawing!
- One approach to rendering the figure, that could help with keeping the shading clean, is to first map out the shadow, and create a CLEAR shape, that's enclosed. It will force you to be very decisive about what's in light and what's in shadow, which helps when trying to create a clear read. (And if you follow the formula: soft edge for shadow edge that's a transition from light to shadow on a form, and hard edge for cast shadows and end of form in shadow, you'll have to be decisive about communicating the form).
Since all your design choises are made in this lay-in, you could fill in the shape when the model takes a break.
- Related to shading the figure, you might appreciate practicing value studies. If you're interested, check out this video How to Organize Values (you can get it for free in the Proko Course Sampler ).
I found working with 5 values difficult at first, so I started with practicing 2-value studies, then moving to 3, then 4, then 5. For the 2 value studies, I still used the same approach of finding the extremes, then judging a value against those, to discern what group it belonged to. (I attached a paintover of Proko user Tony Vu's work.)
If you find it hard to control the value itself, it could be useful to do a value scale, with the drawing tool you intend to use. Draw five squares, and mark them 1 to 5.
1 is the white of the paper. 5 is as dark as you can go with the material. Start by filling in square 5. Get to know the material; apply strokes in different directions, build up the tone from light to darkest, feel where the tip of the tool is touching the paper. Make the tone as even as you can.
Then do the same with square 3. The value should be inbetween the strength of 1 & 5. Then you do #2, which should be inbetween 1&3 in strength, then #4, which should be inbetween 3&5 in strength.
I hope this helps :)
PS. first attached image is a paintover of Proko user silentmoonss work.
Samuel Sanjaya
thank you this was such a great course that helps me understand a lot of things. I'm gonna keep doing the excersises. But i think i'm gonna go to portrait fundamental first, before attempting anatomy courses.
Sita Rabeling
Although I finished this great course last year, I keep coming back. My art gym at the moment is this course combined with Marshall’s Bridgman course. Am also working on other things, but still need a better foundation and exercise exaggerating poses, develop good line quality and much more. Thanks to Stan and Marshall I learned to work more for myself, how to study. In fact I turned into a studyholic and I love it!

Manuel Rioja
Thank you a lot Proko!!!
I improved a lot with your course, now I will keep on practising all these fundamentals , and I'll continue tomorrow with the anatomy course!! It has been an incredible learning experience !! Thanks again
Love Huayra

Thank you Proko!
Thank you, Stan! I can't believe how much I have improved with this Figure Drawing Fundamentals class! I will keep practicing and studying so that I can have the skills to do the pictures I have in my mind's eye. I try to draw everyday for a minimum of 30 minutes. If I don't, I can sure tell in that my drawings feel stiffer without regular practice. Now on to the anatomy course.
Shelvs Fleurima
final assignment, I will continue studying . Then will jump on anatomy after I take Marshall’s perspective
Ben Cavanagh
Thank you Stan! I learned a ton and will be moving on to the anatomy course :D
I'm bad at drawing people. I learned a lot in this class. The importance of structure, in particular, which I was never really taught. Looking forward to the other courses. Thank you for this quality art education. Learned more about the human figure than from all the art classes I've taken, combined.
For the full size, click on 3 dots, and then open original.
I probably did everything wrong. But I will try to keep improving.

Douglas Adams
I don't think you're bad at drawing people! Your poses seem very grounded and expressive to me. You can tell you've put a lot of time and study into your work and lots of us would be happy to get where you are.
Jahsee Mullings
I feel so happy hearing this. Proko has inspired me again to continue push and revise more, learn more and have a fun time. Merci @Stan Prokopenko
Margaret Langston
Thank you, can't wait to start the anatomy course!

hey ,
how was the whole experience ?
what was your progress in the end ?
i am going to buy this course so wanted to know if this gonna lead me with satisfaction and worthy payment !
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About instructor
Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.