Love Byström
Love Byström
Stockholm Sweden
Student of my eyes and hands.
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Love Byström
This is probably the best over all figure drawing I've done. Did it last week during three 20 minute sessions. The head defenetly got the least attention so dont judge the forehead and all too harshly :)
Very impressive! I like the expressive lines. I can not put my finger on it but the right leg locks a litte disconnected from the figure. For how long have you been studying figure drawing?
I'm not good with critiques, but I just wanted to say that this looks awesome!! Great work!
Melanie Scearce
Truly great work. Nice jobwith the rhythms in this figure. The only thing I could really suggest is you could push this further by thinking about less important areas that could maybe be faded back or darkened. I really like the directional lines you're using here so maybe incorporate those more into the figure. Overall, excellent work!
Love Byström
I think as long as we're getting material on a surface, seeing the subject appear and making decisions, we are always having proper fun. at least for me. One question I have however, after watching the videos for the first drawing, is how this approach is meaningfully different to the visual approach. It is of course not the same, but I would have trouble explaining the difference well to say another student. thank you.
Love Byström
Love Byström
I know this isn’t exactly what this course is for but I kept going and I’m really happy with the result
Love Byström
Enjoying this style. I love finding the plane changes. I went a little too specific but I at least tried to go generic and I did at the start
Love Byström
I'll be honest. I lost focus frame one and just did the whole arm... I understand the shape of the heads, but I don't fully understand the portions of each...
Love Byström
These were fun. Just good drawing effort. Just did these at 10 min for each, but didn’t hold myself to it religously so they’re more like 10-12. Last one was by far the most frustrating. Had to start over like 3 min in. Pretty happy with the rest. Good luck everyone
Wow you captured alot in 10 min! Your searching squiggly line style is working to find the form.
Love Byström
Reference from the model pack (its great btw to have so many good photos)
Love Byström
Did this one after doing a few of the lessons in Baumans block in course. It must have primed my eyes because I really think I did well on this one
Martha Muniz
Nice work!
Gannon Beck
Nicely done!
Love Byström
Allright, one of the things I find really difficult is keeping even preassure, applying even value, and not getting carried away. I might even have taken this one too far, but I’m really happy with it still. Another thing I find really challenging is not settling, as the lesson states, you want flexibility to be able to approach accuracy, but I often just look at a mark, and agree that it is correct and so I forget to check because I don’t see the need, even if its there.
Patrick Bosworth
This looks really nice! Good proportions, nice shape design, solid lay in! You could be experiencing difficulty with applying even patches of tone due to the texture of your paper? Not sure what you're using, but smooth news print or smooth bristol will allow you to lay down even patches of value without the tooth of the paper showing. Keep up the good work!
Love Byström
I usually don’t do a lot of purely visual drawing since I really love construction. But this is really fun too
Jesper Axelsson
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