Let's block in a head that's inspired by Bridgman's distinct style.
Jane Sun
My little Brigdeman Head (QAQ)
Hey it's looking good from the front and back but you might spend a bit of time from the side view and have a reference to see the thickness of the neck, size and shape of head, and the transition from the head to neck to rib cage. (the back of the head from the side view needs more mass for the cranial mass of the skull) Keep up the good work!

My quick attempt at the Brigdeman Head method
nicely done! from the side view it looks like the head might be a little longer the front of the face to the back of the head than it is tall (from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head) but some people have a similar head shape. I would just double check to make sure it looks good from the side view. Keep it up!
carla toms
Clearly i need to make a little armature
Zeina Baron

My bridgeman block in. Was fun to sculpt. I gave it more of an alien robot look.
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.