Bodem Head - Block In Demo
Bodem Head - Block In Demo
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Bodem Head - Block In Demo


Bodem Head - Block In Demo

Andrew Joseph Keith
Join me as I demonstrate how to sculpt a block in of the head using the Bodem method.
Jane Sun
I learned the basic profile of the head, also the position of the boss parietal, how the lineae temporalis ends through the Bodem Head
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nicely done!
And finally, my attempt at a quick block-in of the Bodem Head
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! nicely done. The highpoint look good. On to the next assignment!
is there a video on how to do the bodem method block in...there was a update but i cant find a actual video on how to do it start to finish... or a video as something as basic as putting the first piece of clay on an armture
In all these demos, I find instruction in placement to be lacking.
Zeina Baron
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! One thing Robert Bodem told me after I made this lesson was to make the front plane of the face more of a wedge shape (like an ax blade) that widens towards the back of the head. You could implement some of that in this one but really I think it's definitely good enough to use as a base to start adding the forms of the head.
Finally, my version of the Bodem head! I know I am a little behind schedule, but retirement just keeps getting in the way!🙃😶
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! Remember that at this point you want it to be a thin version of the head. This is looking a little too rounded like a ball. Consider lengthening it and make sure that from side to side it's thin all the way around because its easy to add width with clay later on.
My version of the bodem head. I found it hard to resist adding some facial features to the profile pancake that i started with. It gave some points of reference for the high points. Also it made it look like a fantasy sculpture of the head.
Andrew Joseph Keith
great job! love how the facial features look in the last image. it looks like the cheekbones are too wide compared to the back of the head. I would thin them down a bit. Keep it up!
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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