Pen and Ink lovers
Allan Alexandre Winkler
Where are you guys? Post your artwork in Pen and Ink here, I Will be pleased to know your work as a fellow student of this beautiful yet demanding medium! Here some of my studies:
Latest work that wasn't just an exercise. Portrait of my young cousin as the Terminator. I have to work more on metal textures with ink. Anyone have tips or resources?
A few of my latest drawings. All Indian ink on paper, with a small dipping pen.
This is the final version of "Red Shoes".
Dip pen, Indian Ink and red pencil pastel Carbothello on Bristol board.
I posted a study months ago and now I have got back to it using better paper, better ink (thank you @queennobleart, eventually I managed to buy somewhere on line that Talens you suggested me ... and it's very good !). Hopefully the final result is better too.
Hello Ramon, I’m happy to hear you did manage to buy the Indian ink from Talens. I never use an other brand ink ☺️. And good to hear you like working with it too.
Hi my name is Regina and I work mostly with Indian ink and a small dipping pen. Animals are my favorite to draw and all my work is done without pre sketching.
Hi Regina, I like your beautiful drawings. Maybe you can help me. I'm not satisfied with the Indian Ink I'm using (Herbin). It's not as black as I want it. I'm looking for something matte and very dark. What's your favourite brand ?
... which paper you like the most ? Thanks.
Glad to find a place for ink lovers. This is just anatomy study based on Stan's tips of trying to maintain gesture, but also an attempt to be less dependent on hatching. Done with brush an ink ( though I did use the computer to make the paper completely white).
I like that full black following the core shadow. Very expressive and Comics like.
I did lose the gesture where the ridge muscles wrap around, do you guys see anything else out of place?
Asked for help
This is my first final work in a long while, maybe 18 months. So happy to eventually have worked out something that's not just an exercise.
It's an application of triangular composition to a symbolic subject.
Dip pen, manga nibs, indian ink on bristol paper.
I'm experiencing some issues with the ink I'm using (Encre de Chine - by Herbin). Not dark as I'd like and it dries too fast on the nib.
I tried Sennelier too but it gives a glossy effect if the layer is too thick. I want it matt.
Any suggestions about brands I could try ? Thought about something from manga world ?:)
Your pieces are beautiful, I love the lighness and etherical atmosphere in the third one.
I really love ink, pencil and also charcoal. I mostly draw digital, but I so wish I had more time, more hours per day would be perfect :D.
So I am still at a total beginner level, but I thought I share these pieces anyways because I enjoyed creating them so much. :) They are done with fountain pen with a small and a bigger nib.
1- Masterstudy
2- Imaginative Sketches
3- Brushpen comp
4-Head Sketches Masterstudies
Hi Allan, I like your use of coloured inks, and I love the third one with the man in shadow (is it done in ballpoint pen?). I've posted some of my Inktober drawings from this year. I love drawing in ink, but my go-to medium is pencil.
Hi Martijn, thank you! Yes, it's Ballpoint pen, a shape design study of a Caravaggio. Great job on your pen and ink drawinsg, great texture and lines, so clean!
I like your different shading methods in your drawings :) Nice touch with the darker areas around the skulls, gives them some punch.
I'm new here, just registered today, so I'm still getting the hang of the site. I have not even set up my profile yet ;) But I guess I could manage to post an image, so here it goes. A portrait, done with fountain pens, technical pens and fineliners (for the lightest parts).
What a drawing, Mattias! You DO have patience, congratulations for the work.
Hi Mattias, this is great! when zoomed out it looked like it was stippling, but when i zoom in can see the short alternating line patterns. Really beautiful portrait, how long did this take you?
These look great - that shading in the skull must have taken you forever! I applaud your precision. I actually need to do more in ink, I find ink drawings soooo beautiful, but I am lazy and they get sloppy quickly.
Thank you, Smithies! I made that shading in 2 hours or so, the drawing is kinda small. Do you have some ink drawings to show?