Mattias Wirf
Örebro, Sweden
Draws & paints. Swede born 1975. I went to artschool in early 90's, been on and off it as a career. Father. Programmer. Volvo-driver. Beer-drinker.
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Mattias Wirf
added comment inBest Online Oil Painting Course?
You might want to check out Steve Hustons course on New Masters Academy, I'm going through it right now and I like it so far. But it depends much on that I like his teaching style I think. Also, he does some studies in there and if I remember correct both with Zorn and Sorolla.
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Nice work! :)
I especially like her eyes, and the movement in her hair and nearmost shoulder.
About six months ago I posted a portrait wip. I never finished it, couldn't get it to where I wanted. Heres the topic:
Some days ago I picked it up again, and painted it over using the Zorn palette. I finished it last night and was pleased enough (are there not always things we would change in to eternity?).
So I wanted to show what happened since the last topic :) Here it is, portrait of Beatrice, oil on canvas, 40x50cm / 15x19" It feels nice because I feel I'm doing some progress.
Mattias Wirf
Is the hair in the bun colored red? I have never painted strongly colored hair becuase it seems hard. But I was curious.
Actually I really like how handled the hair overall. Maybe some more highlight where it turns from the light.
Bra jobbat! ;)
David Sánchez
The only thing I can think of is that the joint of the arm seems odd, the whole arm have good lenght but the forearm looks longer than the upper arm, and according to proportions diagrams, the upper arm (counting all the way to the deltoid) is longer than from the elbow to the wrist. The rest og the drawing looks awesome. Hope this critique helps.
Christopher Alaimo
The right arm "maybe" looks slightly long (the radius and ulna), but then again she is stretching it out. The body looks perfect... really perfect. It's a wonderful drawing. The body is something that I struggle with always. The cloth looks amazing too!
Thank you :) I often struggle with hands, but here I was lucky and they were a bit hidden ;)
There are short and fat bottomed people, one has made the argument that they make the rocking world go round ( I think this is a great drawing, and the only thing to consider as far as proportion has already been said. Keep going. Lyka till!
Thanks :) Short and fat bottomed is a accurate description of me, maybe I did what many did in art school, project my own proportions on the model ;)
Eric Luke
Without looking at the model or original photo, I think the proportion is very convincing, as long as the pubic bone is at the 1/2 of the whole body, it can't be too wrong. The bottom, in this way, somehow captures the gracefulness of the female model. Very nice work indeed.
Thank you :) The model is on Instagram, @diana_jean_o, not the reference for this though, I bought a set. Tomorrow this seasons life drawing sessions starts where I live, which will be awesome! :)
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