Art Anderson
Southern Utah
Working on my human anatomy and figuring drawing. I draw and paint a lot of invertebrates. My best work are my portraits on my YouTube channel.
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Art Anderson
added comment inProko Challenge Reference Bash - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Here is my submission. This was really fun. I like preliminary sketches better.
Art Anderson
I would love a portfolio review. I am 38 and have been working extremely hard to get my skills up so I can switch carriers and become an illustrator. I have watercolor, colored pencil, and pen and ink below.
Hi all. Just finished this one. Looking forward to any advice. I have attached the painting and reference photo I took with my iPhone.
Zoungy Kligge
I have it and just taught a continuing ed class with that as the text book. (Based on Marshall's recommendation in the Draftsmen podcast). I love it! It's great to use in conjunction with picture books for young readers or well designed film clips, analyzing each scene, page or spread. I found I was noticing new things in storybooks that I'd read dozens of times already.
Izak van Langevelde
Great starter, I like its simplicity! However, you need to follow through with books that address more complicated compositions.
Art Anderson
The only thing that jumps out at me is the outline around the head is a little heavy. I really like the shading/color gradient to create excellent forms. I like the color choices and the Purple below the belly really grounds him to the brown ground he is standing on. I would not want to walk up on him in the bush. nice job!
Thank you @Art Anderson i really appreciate the feedback! Good observations I will work on that line width 👍
Hi Proko Composition followers. Has anyone else read Molly Bang's book How Pictures Work? I am just starting it and wanted to start a thread to see what others opinions are.
Art Anderson
Asked for help
This is my latest. This was an exercise in perspective. Any suggestions would be great.