Alan Seedhouse
Alan Seedhouse
Retired software developer
Activity Feed
Guillermo R
1- drawing the reference images to understand the gorilla 2 - drawing new poses out of my imagination (gorilla takes the Proko Basics course) 3 - full page sketch of character (gorilla finishes the course and graduates)
Alan Seedhouse
Great lines and character in these drawings
T. Alan Newton
I really consider myself a Level 1, but I thought I would give this assignment a go. The final result could definitely use work, but I enjoyed doing it and the result was basically what I was imagining (which usually doesn't happen in past attempts).
Alan Seedhouse
I don't draw from imagination much bit I did enjoy this exercise.
Double O
Did the first two normally, but got a little more comfy with the sketch concept on the third.
Alan Seedhouse
Here are my assignment sketches. I did not allow enough space for the hanging thingy in the VR girl sketch
Asked for help
I enjoyed drawing the boots more than I thought I would. I definitely felt more confident in my line work for the second boot after warming up with the first.
Alan Seedhouse
I really like your line work in this drawing
Alan Seedhouse
This is my drawing of the boots done before I watched the demo. I think my problem is that I put in too much detail (its a problem I have had for some time) After watching the demo I need to loosen up a lot more so I may try this one again.
Alan Seedhouse
This is my snail using only C curves, S curves and straight lines
It's soo clean!
Mr. Angel Piedra
looks nice
Tod Schneider
Nice clean lines!
Alan Seedhouse
This is my first attempt at the portrait block in. The paper I used has a really heavy tooth so it was hard to get clean edges and it looks very grainy, Great exercise and I will probably do it again on smoother paper.
Good one anyway! Maybe the size of your drawing a bit too small for such grain? From my exp heavy grain is great for bigger drawings.
Jude Rozario
Seeking criticism
Alan Seedhouse
Wow! this looks pretty good to me. The only minor thing I could say is the left eye looks slightly low but that may be how it is in the photo. Other than that a brilliant portrait! The skin tone is really good.
Alan Seedhouse
Omkar Gaokar
Thank You @Alan Seedhouse :)
Alan Seedhouse
This is a drawing I did some time ago of H.M the Queen using a blue coloured pencil. I am pretty much retired now but have not done any drawings for about 5 months after recovering from a serious bout of Covid-19. Trying to get back in to the routine on Proko's great new site.
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