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Gabriel Barros
added comment inGabs' Fundamentals Journey
Asked for help
Day 06 - Robo Beans!
E aí, @Gabriel Barros! Brasil tá na área! 😄
It seems you’ve practiced quite a lot for a one-day session, that’s awesome! Overall, I think these look good - I do notice a few things, though, which I believe you could keep an eye at as you keep practicing, so I listed a few notes below and I also drew over some of your sketches (image attached), hope you find it helpful.
Here’s what I’d highlight as things to look out for:
. GESTURE FIRST - Try to always start with the simplest gestural lines before getting concerned about anything else. No matter how solid the forms and perspective, or even how well rendered, a figure drawing will always look better if the gesture underneath is strong.
. PERSPECTIVE OF THE BOXES - Tracking vanishing point isn’t always the case, but, whenever dealing with boxes, try to always consider how the lines should converge to convey a believable sense of volume and depth. Stan shows an interesting “step-by-step” approach in this video: Structure Basics – Making Things Look 3D (it starts at 10:22)
. THE SIZE OF THE GAP - On the Robo-bean, it’s common to make the distance between the boxes too big, but, anatomically, the distance between the bottom of the ribcage and the top landmark of the pelvis (ASIS) is only about the width of the person’s hand when in a neutral standing pose. If there’s stretch or squish, that can change a little, but keep in mind to compensate on the pinching side when there is stretch on the other. Also, if possible, do your best to keep the proportions of the boxes consistent across all your drawings.
I think that’s all I got for now!
By the way, what a great idea to turn this topic you created into a study journal - I think it can be a super effective way to keep yourself on track and visualize your progress.
Let me know in case you have any questions, and feel free to reach out whenever you’d like.
Gabriel Barros
Asked for help
Tried to do some overlays on photo references. So MUCH is still a 'guess work' for me. I'm struggling the most I think because I can't understand the skeleton on its entirety still.
But, keeping forward. Would be great for any tips, what I got totally wrong, right, etc. Also, should I study the skeleton before moving ahead? Or just keep going focusing on the landmarks and construction (since I guess the skeleton will come later on the anatomy course).
Photo Reference by Theposearchives
Hi @Gabriel Barros, nice studies! I think it was a good idea to draw in the skeleton! Now you understand at least the big picture of it.
I don't think you have to study the skeleton more before moving ahead. Just focus on the landmarks and construction. The skeleton will get full focus in the anatomy course.
Really good job with the landmarks! You seem to have found them all, and the placement is quite accurate. But I'll do my best to be picky and point out some things that are off :)
Sam West
Really fun one! I have a lot of trouble visualising how muscles wrap around bones I'm constantly doubting myself over their thickness and then I end up drawing them 2 dimensionally. I really tried to push volume with these though, and it helped that I have a life model spare! Would really appreciate any and all feedback if poss.
They look really nice! The core shadow gesture is great! I think maybe in the fingers, it should be more a continuous gesture to indicate the general form, I fill it has too many bumps - which are not anatomically wrong! just think it loses a little of this gesture flow.
Anyway, really nice studies.