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Daniel Foust
added comment inLandmarks of the Human Body
Asked for help
Hi everyone! Looking for critique. The first image is just me trying to clearly identify the landmarks on a photo. Second is me trying to use the landmarks in my figure drawing practice as suggested. Third is me following along with Stan's examples.
I think the information is starting to sink in! I'd like someone to point out if I'm repeating any major mistakes, though.
Daniel Foust
Asked for help
Hi! Here are my buckets. I didn't realize that the line around the middle is at an angle towards the back.
Some sketches from the spine assignment. Probably one of the most difficult assignments I've done so far.
S. Martin
Im confused. If the 6 first cervicals are invisible cos of ligaments... and if the 7th is so big it is a Landmark when we bend forward... Which vertebrae are showing in the photo? I can see 3 vertebrae... Guessing the middle and biggest one is the 7th cervical.... which one is the one before and the one after? Is the first one the 6th cervical? Then cervicals were not that hidden, or is it the 7th vertical and the follower biggest one is the first thoracic?
Thx for your attention.
I’m looking for critiques on my spine drawings as I conclude the spine lessons. Anything you might be able to contribute will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Daniel Foust
Hello everyone!
Before jumping into the figure drawing phase I felt that I needed to do some tracing over the models to better identify where everything is. This was my first attempt. I'd really appreciate someone correcting my placements as I'm not confident in a few areas:
- First off, the Acromion Process. Is it the bump on top the the shoulder, or a bit further down?
- The Spine and Medial Border of Scapula were hard to place.
- The Iliac Crest was obvious in the 2nd image but I wasn't sure about it's placement in the first.
- The Greater Trochanter is hard to pin down in both poses
- The knee is particularly difficult. I was basically guessing on everything besides the Patella.
I'm going to do more of these. I imagine certain landmarks will be easier to spot on different models and poses. Wish me luck!
Daniel Foust
Hello everyone! Here's my homework. I found it really hard to simplify the beetle's head since there were so many little nuances. I ended up just doing contour, which I'm not satisfied with. I did the same thing with the bird's wings. Please critique!