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Michael Brinker
added comment inMannequinization – Structure of the Human Body
Yello, here are a few reference sketches I've been working on. Been trying to work on exaggerating some of the bends as well as less detail that muddies up the drawing. I'm a very technical guy so guidelines help me a lot, but I realize it takes away from the piece.
I think these turned out great, I think I'm getting better at limbs but could definitely work on them some more.
Critics are welcome.

The Gesture and the Volume of the first sketch is great! I think you are doing a good job with the exaggeration there. One thing I see with these sketches is a high use of cross contour lines. I think half of them would do the trick and the Image wouldn't be that cluttered. I would only use them when you want to describe the depth and alignment of the form.
All in all nice work there. 😁
Marco Sordi
Nice poses and gesture, Michael. Love the proportions: very close to Japanese anime characters!
Asked for help
Some more Mannequins from the past week, I think its going well but some feedback would be great. some of them are wonky... I thought I would try to fix them but then it just felt overworked and worse, so here they are.
What’s your goal? What are you trying to do? I know you’re practicing mannequinization so you’re trying to make gesture drawings 3 dimensional more or less (since that’s the point of the exercise), but what is your end goal?
Basically, who’s style are you going to try to mimic (or pull what you like from)? How simple do you typically want to draw when not exercising? Cartoony? Full realism?
“Some feedback would be great” is very hard to go on when I (or anyone) don’t know what your criteria for success are. All I can say to that would be a general “make things simpler so you can focus on 3 dimensionality and fluidity”.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2022/7/27. Good morning everybody. Here’s my today’s warming up exercise. 30 sec and 2 mins poses. At my actual level I have to admit that drawing the gesture is definitely the hardest part. Let’s see how many years it takes before I get a good technique. Thanks for any comment or suggestions. Have a good day.
I love you gestures they are so fluid!
Especially the last 2 pages, they are so minimal but accomplish so much.
Asked for help
I just started I know these sketches are rough. I would love to hear advice to improve
These are very well done! If I had to nitpick, and this may be an assumption on my part, you drew them small which means you are utilizing your wrist more than your full arms motion..
While this isn't bad, try and draw larger forms to get that full arm muscle memory. This also helped me make more confident lines, which you seem to already have, but it's a bonus.
Keep up the great work, can't wait to see how far you can go!
skiny designs
Hi everyone, here's my gesture practice. Please do let me know whatever you think about this. Overall I did 3 takes and 1.5 min on first try (left), around 2 min for second try (center) & near 3 min for third try (right).
Waiting to hear your thoughts on this!
You seem to be focusing on the form of the body and not the flow of the body. In a gesture, we don't need to know how muscular the person is but show how their body is oriented in space.
I love the confident lines, keep that, but focus more on utilizing the C and S curves.
Keep up the hard work.
I think I need to work on adding less instead of more......
I would also try and make one fluid line, especially for the gesture practice. When we do the "chicken scratch" line it shows a lack of confidence and makes the gesture look sloppy.
Don't worry about getting the pose exact with gestures as we are trying to capture the rhythm of the pose.
Keep up the hard work!
Asked for help
Hi! This is my assignment for this lesson. Probably the hardest thing to draw was the knee , I still can't figure out how to draw it in some poses like the third and the fourth. Also, sometimes I found that drawing the head with a cube was easier than drawing it with the loomis method . Anything that i can improve? I've been doing mannequins for a while but I still can't figure out if I'm lacking in something.
It seems like each one o you are focusing on a certain aspect of the mannequin. Like in 3 you drew out the spinal structure but did not do so in 1. Try and draw all the structures of the mannequin in your next piece and see how it turns out.
These look great though, keep up the good work.
Can't wait to see what else you create.
I've been working on this topic for a while as I find it a lot of fun.
I think I'm doing well and I do need to work on the sloppiness of the sketch. Some feedback would be great.
The middle one in the second image I instantely recognize Xavier Houssin's work, an artist that inspires me very much as well, my critique here would be more about exageration, if you observe the pose I mentionned on the original work you used as reference, try to imagine the simplest action line on it and observe how much Xavier pushed the gesture to make her more dynamic. Otherwise it is pretty solid work keep it up ~
Hi Michael, great job!
Theese are dynamic sketches!
It just seems to me that the first one is a bit unbalanced, as if the girl was going to fall on her left. And maybe a little too much space between the pelvis and the torso in the last one.
But very cool sketches!
Asked for help
Hi! Even if they are quite messy, these are my assignments for this lesson. Many of the poses i've drawn were stiff so i tried to exaggerate them as much as i could(especially in the second photo),sometimes i've even went overboard a little by drawing the limbs , just because it was fun . I would really appreciate any kind of critique/advice.
These look great, and I love you went ahead and drew the limbs on some. Having fun makes this whole process much more enjoyable.
Keep up the practice, no complaints from me, you're doing great.
Damien Deng
Asked for help
2022/7/7 Hi, This is my first post! I hope I can track my progression here and be better in future. Each figure use about 5 min to complete. I am glad to hear suggestion from you guys :)
These look great! It seems like you might have been focusing a little bit on the contour of the body rather then the flow but that just me nitpicking.
Keep up the great work!