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added comment inGesture Basics 6
Michael, I've only been drawing for 7 months now but it hasn't been easy. Very little remains from each practice session even after 6-8 hrs of daily practice through these months (it's the way of art, isn't it, with it being a marathon not a sprint). However, what I've learned from you has instantly stuck to me and I am just so grateful. You explain things succinctly and well, and it just resonates with me - so I wanted to say thank you so much. :D

William Mclean
They say it’s not good to draw for to long every day after 2 or more hours your brain won’t process the information well and u will forget most of what you learned. It like craming for a test you will forget the next day. I think the sweet spot is an hour of delibrate pratice a day
William Mclean
i have that problom of being sloppy. just want to get done fast so i dont think
William Mclean
i found this so hard getting the angles and proprotion of boxes right
Don't be discouraged. It is not easy! Trying to simplify away from the obviously complex shapes is tough. These are some helpful things:
1. The single most helpful thing with proportion and angle was to first do a quick sketch to see if I understood at least the big idea, and overall shape.
2. Then do the gesture and/or envelope around the thing. Remember the portrait layins: big to small shapes. A big envelope or set of envelopes can be really helpful in narrowing down the options. I have a really hard time when I skip this part. I end up getting lost in contours and small shapes and everything is out of proportion and out of relation.
3. when using reference, it's easy to look once or twice and then try to draw from memory. In my experience, our memory is a liar.It takes a lot of experience to do this, if you don't have one of those magical photographic memories that is already connected to your drawing arm. Instead, while thinking BIG, MEDIUM, SMALL, what is the information on those scales that I need to transfer. Spend MOST of your time looking at the reference/model/subject(s), (eventually after lots of practice) even while we draw, so we tell the truth more often.
Does that make any sense?
William Mclean
my visual libary for rooms is real bad. never paid attention to them. im gonna look up refrence and try do room studies
I cannot find the vanishing point. Mark it on the page. you need to trace straight lines from the VP to your boxes
William Mclean
Thank you! This is great. Before I was doing gesture drawings for my warm-ups every day before I start drawing. I'm sure this will make my gesture drawings even better now that I know about rhythm.