Engineering student with passion for art and storytelling [Also Dangeon Master]
Activity Feed

added comment inPROKTOBER 2021
Here is my final submission
this is amazing! Love the composition and the semplicity of the forms. My mind is already lost in the story behind this piece! Good work!
Hello everyone!
Sadly I had a crazy week and I didn't even think I'd manage to post something. I carved several hours here and there so... yeah, I feel like I won just because I posted these!
First one: BuffaloBug!
I saw the shape into the rocks and vegetation, then I mixed the bug with a fig-mouth. When it's a "puppy" its head is a big flower.
Second one: Wargod!
The idea just stroke me while working on the other piece. I just had to do it. I'm really sorry I can't work more on it... I imagined a cult, a ruined temple, symbols and trinkets, priestess... I'm having trouble stopping to work on it. I really love it and I hope you like it too!
Hey everybody! This is my entry for the Proko challenge. It is done in ballpoint pen, Thanks!
Hi! I did gesture exercises and I'd like to have some feedback :) Still think I'm not getting them right
I tried to make a short comic about the animorph(-ation?) of Khaby Lame, an Italian-Senegalese influencer. Yes, there's an Invincible-meme reference! Hope you like it :)
This is so cool. Lol so long shorts. Love the fact that the owl shares the same expression as him.
Asked for help
I did 3 storyboards so far. The first ones are about Cristiano Ronaldo turning into a cheeta in a football match; the last one (my favourite) is Khaby Lame, an Italian-Senegalese influencer turning into an owl and doing his "gesture" after seeing two airplanes (Yes, that's a reference to Invincible and the meme! I had to do it!). I'm not sure about the last shot, i have 3 options and i'd like to hear your feedbacks :)