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Nancy Yocom
added comment inProject - Gestural Architecture
Asked for help
It’s not exactly a tree house, but I loved the gesture of this little parrot, so I tried to give my building his gesture. I know some of the perspective is off but I was trying to push the emphasis of the gesture.
This is really fun! This is a well done drawing with an interesting character. It stands out from the rest.
I think you could push the gesture even further on your next drawing. Practicing with some quick, timed gesture drawings can help you get the hang of this concept. It becomes more intuitive with practice.
Animators call this the ‘Line of Action’. It’s the flow of the forms.
Overall, this is a fun and original drawing.
Your shading and linework are a nice touch as well.
Keep it up!
Nancy Yocom
Asked for help
I didn’t exactly have any ginger root laying around but I have plenty of dog toys!🤣😂
I chose this da Vinci sketch for the way line weight is used for depth. The thickest/darkest lines are at the front of the horse, especially the head, fading toward the back, and the back legs are hardly there at all.
Nancy Yocom
Asked for help
I tried a Norman Rockwell and a John Sargent. It was so hard not to add values.