Activity Feed
Thomas Thornton
I wish my sketchbook paper were smooth--since it isn't, the boxes look like involuntary frottages.
Thomas Thornton
I'm at a total loss concerning the two attempts I circled in red. In the one on the left I tried to create a "rubber torso"--a 360-degree twist, but I simply cannot get my head around it. Somehow I'm completely blocked. If I had playdough in the house I'd have made a model, but I don't. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Thomas Thornton
Many thanks! It finally clicked--what a relief.
Thomas Thornton
It all made perfect sense when Stan demonstrated it, and it looked so easy. But somehow it doesn't work all that well in my attempts, and I'm not sure why.
Thomas Thornton
Asked for help
Clearly, something is profoundly wrong here. But why is it not working?
Morning y'all. HELP PLEASE!! SO... 1 point Perspective w/ VP at right. This one is harder I think, it took me a while, & i'm still not sure if it's right. What do yall think? Looking at it here, the refrigerator is slanted. Should've looked at the pict sooner to double check. Oh well
Thomas Thornton
This is not 1-point perspective but should be 2-point perspective: in 1-point perspective the boxes face the viewer head-on, but in this drawing they are slanted with respect to the viewer.
My attempt at the assignment, but something seems really off, i can't point my finger on what
Thomas Thornton
I think most of it is correct, but the z-axis of the bottom of armoire on the left and the bottom z-axis of the chest of drawers on the right don't go toward the vanishing point, which makes the two pieces a bit wobbly. The problem is probably that the vanishing point is outside of the picture.
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