Thomas Thornton
Thomas Thornton
Berlin, Germany
Former professor of German; publisher; translator; art lover but drawing novice
Activity Feed
Thomas Thornton
How long is this going to go on? Is it really the single most important thing we have to practice? We've been at it for over 3 months now, and the tedium of watching these seemingly endless videos is exasperating.
It also seems to me that we spend a surprising amount of time on this one topic, but I'm not in a hurry. Learning is a continuous, endless process that requires repetition. So while waiting for new lessons, I'm just doing a second tour through the course. I watch all videos again, repeating level 1 as a warm-up and facing level 2 this time. And... Stan is not a robot. Maybe this time he just needs more time to prepare the next lessons. He supplies us the highest quality content, I can wait, no problem.
Josh Fiddler
Values do 90% of the work in an image so I think that the time spent is definitely worth it. Plus, I don't know if you're aware. He sent out an email recently: they just welcomed a new child to the family and asked for our patience.
Edo Moya
Maybe you just need to trust the person that knows what's up and be patient 🧘‍♂️
If you are bored of values in this course i would do something inspiring on the side. Take another course on the side or do projects that inspires you. Its good that stan fills this course with so much content. Its a lot of value for the money. You are responsible for your own motivation. So do something else til this course gets content that tickles your fancy again. I really trust stan in how he plans the course. If he pinpoints this is important it sure is.
With peace and love, I don't agree! I'm a public school teacher, and I am envious of Stan's use of metacognition and scaffolding in his teaching methods. I learn so much from every video, and sometimes I watch them more than once. The concepts he's currently teaching around value have been difficult for me to comprehend, but with each video, I feel like I understand it more. I've been dedicated to this course for about 10 months, and I have seen so much progress in my art! I don't skip any videos, practice every day, and go back to previous content and projects to refresh and look at it with a more experienced perspective! You are definitely entitled to your opinion, but I wanted to vouch for his teaching methods because I see so much progress from this course! I attached some casual sketches from last January (1 & 2) and this January (3, 4, 5). I chose examples that I spent a similar amount of time on, not the best or worst from the bunch. They are totally different, and I feel like I've improved a lot even since January of this year to now. Trust Stan! Trust the process! :)
Thomas Thornton
I wish my sketchbook paper were smooth--since it isn't, the boxes look like involuntary frottages.
Thomas Thornton
I'm at a total loss concerning the two attempts I circled in red. In the one on the left I tried to create a "rubber torso"--a 360-degree twist, but I simply cannot get my head around it. Somehow I'm completely blocked. If I had playdough in the house I'd have made a model, but I don't. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Thomas Thornton
Many thanks! It finally clicked--what a relief.
Thomas Thornton
It's much harder than I thought--while I was doing it, it all made perfect sense, but now that I'm done, not so much. . . .
JJ Anyabolu
don't worry your not alone...
Thomas Thornton
It all made perfect sense when Stan demonstrated it, and it looked so easy. But somehow it doesn't work all that well in my attempts, and I'm not sure why.
Thomas Thornton
Thomas Thornton
Asked for help
Clearly, something is profoundly wrong here. But why is it not working?
Thomas Thornton
Head boxes (only level 1) I drew after watching Stan's demo.
Thomas Thornton
Here are my first attempts at head boxes. I'll wait for Stan's demo before I do more (many more) of them.
Morning y'all. HELP PLEASE!! SO... 1 point Perspective w/ VP at right. This one is harder I think, it took me a while, & i'm still not sure if it's right. What do yall think? Looking at it here, the refrigerator is slanted. Should've looked at the pict sooner to double check. Oh well
Thomas Thornton
This is not 1-point perspective but should be 2-point perspective: in 1-point perspective the boxes face the viewer head-on, but in this drawing they are slanted with respect to the viewer.
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