The Mitten Method for Sculpting Hands
The Mitten Method for Sculpting Hands
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Sculpting The Hands

Simplifying for Gesture

The Mitten Method for Sculpting Hands

Course In Progress

The Mitten Method for Sculpting Hands

Course In Progress

Do three mitten hand gesture studies.

The main goal of this mitten technique is to get a better understanding of the outline and shape of the hand, devoid of details.

  • Start with the hand in a neutral position and then try some more complex poses.
  • These should be fairly quick studies, try to finish each study in about half an hour.

Extra Credit: If you're liking one and it's coming along nicely, you can work on it a little bit more and add details.

Don't forgot to take pictures of your hand studies and upload them in the assignments section under this video lesson.

Wayne Bunker
I am going to fire and glaze my work so using the wire armatures you demonstrate doesn’t work. Having said that it was very instructive to practice them. I cut up my pieces and hollow them. Any tips for us pure ceramics people would be appreciated.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey looking good! Yes if you're only working in ceramic you could use the wire armature as a proportions and gesture guide outside of the sculpture and only use straight steel metal rods hammered into a baseboard as an armature inside the sculpture for support. These can be removed more easily when it's time to prepare for firing. Keep it up!
John Tollefsen
Mitten studies.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey nicely done! the hands & wrist might be a little wide, the proportions remind more more of the hands of infants or small children which are wider at the wrist and fingers and more blocky. Doing great though so keep up the sculpting and I look forward to seeing more! I definitely get a sense of the pose and gesture so that's the main thing.
Strahinja Milutin
Hi Andrew, here are some mitten studies.
Wayne Bunker
Wayne Bunker
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey great job! Way to do the assignment.
Wayne Bunker
Daily hand studies
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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