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added comment inDay 9 - Facial Expressions - 12 Days of Proko
Had a lot of fun doing this one. 2 minutes and 10 minutes.
This might be too advanced and this is just a basic excersice for 1 point perspective. But I have some questions. Using 1 point perspective for an object that shows more than 2 planes (front and above or from below) is just something theorietical? Because When you see something from slightest angel it will be a second varnishing point? In the renaissance they used 1 point perspective even When they showed more sides because they hadnt learned other kinds of perspective yet. (Did you teach me that? :D ) In one of your courses I don’t remember wich you said if you see the frontplane undistorted with 90 degrees angles a perfect square you can’t see the side plane. Its an impossible box. So the boxes towards the sides in this practice are impossible boxes? Just theoretical?
Perspective is all about how the 3D world is projected onto a 2D plane. Yes, 1,2 or 3 point perspective don't represent exactly the way our eyes see mostly because our eyes don't image linearly.
However, if a perfect camera does exist, it can definitely follow the behavior of a 1 point perspective. You can point the camera perpendicular to the front plane (but set the box aside) and still be able to see the side plane.
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Not too bad! I think this one is not too hard for me. Camel was the hardest because of the forshortening. And the legs, really struggled to find a simple way to represent them.
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Fun and Challenging project! The requirements really help me not get distracted by the details and focus on simple shapes. I will say I suck at value control. Very hard to decide how dark to go with each value, also quite challenging to put down a nice even tone.