Siddharth Gupta
Siddharth Gupta
I am 18 year old Indian Aspiring to be a video Gaming illustrator and character designing
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Siddharth Gupta
did it as accurately as possible to increase my observation skills. Use different texture brushes for cloth and skin. Any critics are welcomed
Siddharth Gupta
Any critics are welcomed
Raymond Xu
I did few more yesterday. Gotta do more today. Hope can get early crits
Siddharth Gupta
These are really good but you are doing very small studies I would recommend getting a A2 size SketchBook or doing one frige on one page because having Little space restricts the flow of line which in turn affects your figure drawing
Some rough sketches I did on my breaks during work tonight. Done in charcoal, graphite and pastel.
Siddharth Gupta
I think you should focus on gesture and proportion before adding muscular details
Siddharth Gupta
Irshad Karim
I'm not sure an AMA is really a place for soliciting critique, and figure drawing isn't really an area I teach, but I can give you a couple thoughts. I noticed that in a few of these - specifically image 6 - you've got some really nice, solid construction on the torso that gives a stronger impression of the 3D nature of the body, although as you move out from there, the construction tends to become somewhat less confident. There are a couple things that stood out to me, in terms of areas with room for improvement - firstly, draw bigger. A lot of these appear to be pretty small, which will severely limit your capacity to really engage your whole arm as you draw. This predisposes you to stiffening up, especially when you try to pack multiple figures into a page. Working on larger sheets of newsprint is definitely well worth it. To that same point, I would recommend trying to draw more of your marks one stroke at a time - that is to say, instead of chicken scratching lines, think about the specific mark you want to draw, and execute it in one go. Taking the time to figure out the specific nature of the mark you want to make ahead of time, rather than figuring it out as you go, will help you think of your drawing as a series of choices that you're making, and something that you're in control of. Secondly - and drawing bigger will help with this - I'm noticing that as you drift off to the extremities - your hands and feet - you don't appear to give them very much attention. This is understandable, given how little room you have to maneuver, but as a result you'll find that if you allow things to slip through the cracks, you're going to end up with a much harder time sorting them out later.
Sam Reeves
I see a lot of good things in the gesture and shading. There is some stiffness here and there in the poses and issues with proportion, specifically foreshortening--which is hardest for any artist by far. I would suggest finding ways to loosen up. Try scribbling. Allow the wild lines to wander wherever and slowly tighten them as you find the form. Change the way you hold the pencil. Do not hold it the same way as you do when writing. Try holding it with an overhand style.
Hello there! I have been drawing geasture and the bean for some time now but i took 2 week hiatus because of school and I wasn't able to practice much or draw at all. Today i finally got back to it but i can see what i need to improve, but i dont think my own eyes and brain can help me much so i would really appriciate some critique on these drawings. Have a good day everyone!
Siddharth Gupta
I think the head looks small in all of them and There are proportion mistakes in torso and pelvis in the top two drawings even for a gesture drawing but the drawing on the bottom left hand corner is great 😁
Krutikesh Patel
Asked for help
Please dont pull the puches, looking for critique.
Siddharth Gupta
I think the skull has some proportion errors and I think you should first try shading simple objects like a bottle Or a Mug before jumping to complex objects
Siddharth Gupta
Asked for help
Please critique my work sorry if they look a little bit Muddy I did them a little while back
Greg Klein
Started premium course drawing gestures 3 weeks ago.
Siddharth Gupta
I think you should try to make a long continuous line because in these photos your lines are continuously breaking which in turn ruins the gesture
Siddharth Gupta
Hey guys did this awhile ago so sorry if they look Muddy .please credit my work 🙏🙏
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