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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture – Step by Step
Asked for help
Hello there! I have been drawing geasture and the bean for some time now but i took 2 week hiatus because of school and I wasn't able to practice much or draw at all. Today i finally got back to it but i can see what i need to improve, but i dont think my own eyes and brain can help me much so i would really appriciate some critique on these drawings.
Have a good day everyone!
These look really nice Beni, try to keep the volume in mind, especially on bones and joints (as not bending them and rubberizing the figure), if you want to use the gesture for further development (Character design, a painting, etc.).
I hope this helps :)
Melissa Cook
how long were these drawings? The main thing I am seeing is that your lines could be cleaned up more. Confident, smooth, not messy lines are an important habit to have even in fast gesture drawings. If these are 2 min or more drawings I would focus more on slowing down and looking at the pose, thinking about proportions and analyzing the gesture. Otherwise, you have done a nice job in keeping it simple and not focusing too much on contours.
Siddharth Gupta
I think the head looks small in all of them and There are proportion mistakes in torso and pelvis in the top two drawings even for a gesture drawing but the drawing on the bottom left hand corner is great 😁
Deron Daugherty
Honestly most of that looks really good. The lines are clean and flow nicely. Maybe try varying your line weight to better suggest which limb or form is in front of the other to suggest more dynamic form?
I wouldn’t worry about improving this so much as moving on in the curriculum. The point isn’t to perfect each step before moving on, just to get a solid handle on it.
As long as you continue to practice you’re only going to get better and you will have plenty of more opportunities to keep improving gesture.
Sorry it’s not a critique, but I want to tell you that I like your flowing nice gesture line!