Philip Andrew Diaz
Beginner Artist. Just a guy looking to be creative in his own ways.
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Lance Brown
added comment inFigure Drawing Critiques – The Bean
Hi, I have been working on the beans section for a while now (probably a couple of months, which might be too long I'm not too sure) and I am having a little bit of trouble with twists and keeping the beans looking "tidy" like Stan's. Does anyone have any advice on how to keep cleaner lines for the beans? I'm Using the overhand drawing technique shown in the shading section of the course.
Also, I have some beans to share! I would love some critique to help figure out where I can improve.
(Also also, I wanted to note that I tried to push the beans to an extreme, which I feel like I was able to do but unsure if I did it right)
Philip Andrew Diaz
When it comes to drawing cleaner lines, try drawing with your entire arm instead of just your wrist. Also, try ghosting your lines which means practicing the motion of drawing your line without letting your pen touch the paper. Then after you feel you've ghosted enough times draw one smooth, continuous line without hesitating.
Philip Andrew Diaz
Been working on the bean assignment for a couple weeks. Feel free to critique mine as I need all the help I can get.
Did some 30 Second Beans. Critiques are appreciated!
Tried 30 Second Beans and I can tell I'm not great at these. Any advice would be very helpful. :)
Before I did my 2 minute poses, I did some poses without a time limit which I think really helped me analyze the figure and be more careful with my lines. I'm still not great at this, but I feel that I can improve a lot if I keep on doing this. Any sort of advice or critique is very useful to me right now.
These are good. I think taking the time to really analyze the model can help, but we want to train the eye to be quick, efficient, and to be able to see past the detail. I have two suggestions: Practice a lot and try using single lines for the s curves and c curves. I am also studying gesture, and man it is a pain, but we must put in the work in order to improve.
Keep it up, and don't quit.
Also, check out Stan's critique video with Marshall Vandruff. They give a lot of good pointers, and it's worth studying. Hope this helps.
Philip Andrew Diaz
Tried some more gesture drawings after watching this video. I'm really struggling with the time limits of 30 seconds and 2 minutes, but I'm thinking I just need to do this more to get used to it. Any advice/critique is much needed.
Philip Andrew Diaz
I tried some 30 second poses after watching the first video. I mainly tried to focus on making quick lines without any consideration for form, so I can just bang out the gesture quickly. Any advice/critiques would be very helpful!
I think it could be a good idea to spend some time studying the gestures that Stan does in the videos. So you can get a feeling of how to get the effect of movement those gesture have.