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added comment inProject - Dynamic Shapes
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Here are mine +2 foxes I did for fun. I like shapes!
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I've been drawing a lot in my sketchbook lately, so decided to go with pencil on this Peter Han's study.
I had a lot of fun doing this one, although seeing it close like that after taking a picture I can see a bunch of imperfections that were not apparent when I drew it, which makes me wander if I should start drawing with my head closer to the paper of maybe just vary its distance. Maybe that's what people mean when they say you should use your head when drawing?
This is a strong attempt. My advice for your head position is, you want to have a straight-on view of your drawing. You can accomplish this by either looking straight down on it while working, or prop it on angled board in front of you. If you draw on a flat desk the drawing will tend to warp since the top of the paper is further from you. I would recommend periodically looking straight down or ahead on your drawing from time to time to check if your drawing is warping. Just make sure not to strain your back or neck.
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Here are mine, on the shadow one I notice the difference between the thin and thick lines came out too subtle.
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Drawing laces may have been one of the most traumatic experiences in my life, so much I couldn't bring myself to finish the other boot, hopefully the demo video offer some tips on how to better tackle that so I can return to it with a better state of mind :)
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Here are the ones I did before watching the reviews. Level 2 felt desperately hard, so much I forgot some of their hair, guess I'll make sure to clear up the pear level next time lol