Sashank G
Sashank G
new zealand
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Sashank G
Sashank G
Asked for help
My drawing has improved quite well after applying what I learned from Proko's Portrait course. Would appreciate some feedback
Sashank G
thanks @Jesper Axelsson .. Appreciate the feedback. darkening the dark halftones does pop the contrast. Will keep that in mind for future drawings
Sashank G
Sashank G
Asked for help
I am back to drawing again after a loong break. Taking anatomy lessons now. Any suggestions ??
Hey, @Sashank G! Wow, this is from a year ago. I think you did a great job with these tracings. To me, all of them look coherent in terms of anatomy. The perspective and the proportions look pretty fine, too. Nice work capturing the twists between ribcage and pelvis - certainly, a challenging part of this assignment! If I may share one suggestion, here’s what I’d do differently: instead of doing the tracings with light lines over high-opacity photos, I’d instead give the photos a lower opacity and use darker lines for the tracings. I think this little change can make the tracings gain a stronger visual emphasis in the presentation of this assignment, especially when we view the images as thumbnails. As an example, I’m attaching an image that shows one of Stan’s tracings of Sekaa in a somewhat similar pose to your last drawing of Aaron (image number 7). Of course, the way we choose to present our tracings also involves a matter of personal preference, so please don’t take my suggestion as “the right way”, but rather as a mere possibility. Last, but not least, I notice this post you made went a whole year without any comments - I’m sure you must know it has nothing to do with the quality of your drawings, which, as I mentioned, look really good! Sometimes, it just happens that we won’t get much attention on some of our posts - been there too. Don’t let this discourage you and keep working hard on your studies. Also, maybe it might help to know that @Jesper Axelsson and I are currently Proko’s official community “critiquers” on duty, so, whenever you’d like to get feedback from one of us specifically, please feel free to reach out directly by tagging us in the post. That way, we can see your request more easily and, eventually, get back to you, even if it might take a bit of time (although, definitely, much less than a year). :) Hope this helps! Let me know in case I can help you with anything else. Best regards!
Jesper Axelsson
Update 2: I animated this flower sack. It's walking then kicking in the air. I want it to feel irritaded/angry/sad. Like a kid who's been teased by some other kids; He walks away, cursing them for himself. His feelings are expressed as anger/irritation, but with an undertone of sadness. Anger with tears in the eyes. I'll continue to practice acting with simple characters. One of my goals with the next animation is to draw more simple and clear.
Sashank G
The best way to get the desired acting out of your character is to find a suitable reference. Even better, record yourself acting it out and use it as reference. When you act it out, you will understand how certain body parts move in an action
feedback appreciated.
Sashank G
how do u make such perfect ellipses ? Is there a trick to it ?
Gabriel Barros
My assigments. I still find it really hard to SEE throught all muscle and stuff. But 'imagining' it first, thinking of the movement the person is making and keeping in mind the relation of tilt between torso and pelvis seems to be helping. Appreciate any critiques.
Sashank G
Great work , you re doing them well . Only suggestion would be give each drawing some space . Third page is easy to read. Few overlaps on the first 2 pages. feels congested
Two more attempts at putting down the landmarks. I'm leaving out the musculature that's included in the examples as I feel that I don't have enough understanding of that. I had some problems with the scapulae (?) and I guess the proportions are a bit off. As previously feedback is highly appreciated :)
Sashank G
Great work !! Only suggestions would be 1st image : Rib cage needs to be longer & thinner. Elbow and knee landmarks seem off 2nd image : Ankle landmarks need to be at an angle, not parallel. Inner bone will be a bit higher Not related to landmarks. for gesture of the right leg, use S curve. Will push the weight on that leg. This is an advice I received at Proko community which improved my gestures
My homework! I always end up drawing the ribcage and pelvis too far from one another and then go correcting it later >.< I wonder, is the use of lasso tool allowed here?
Sashank G
Looking good .. Good that you keep retrying until u get it right . thats the key to improving try to match the size of the cylinder for pelvis to the reference pelvis. You seem to be drawing them smaller . okay for now while practicing torso. When you start building the complete body, this will throw the proportions off. i made the same mistake when I was practicing.
First attempt. For some reasons, the dog and bird were very hard. Then, I watched the structure critique and something clicked watching Stan draw the rhino!!! If someone could give a tip on the bird and the dog that would be appreciated! Thanks in advance :)
Sashank G
Overall Good work .. u seem to understand forms on horse and dog well. just need to get the forms shapes right. angle of arc on the bird seems off and front legs on elephant are too thin. I think you are trying to break into much detailed forms too soon. First break them to main basic forms. Then you can work on further form break downs Better understanding on animal anatomy will help . Few books for animal anatomy ken hultgren - the art of animal drawing Goldfinger Eliot - Animal Anatomy for Artists - The Elements of Form This is how I usually approach this. I think even my forms are off at few places. I am learning too
Xan Padilla
This is actually my third attempt, I started this course a long time ago but life got busy so I couldn't go that far into it, but back then I made a completely blind version, then I corrected my own mistakes with the help of the other videos and now this time was with the help of my notes from back then and a bunch of muscles images
Sashank G
Good line control and spot on.. Keep up the good work !!
Rin Siebert
Asked for help
Hello! Thanks for looking at my work, I'd love some critique! I did some figure drawing yesterday too based off of the FORCE method (I saw a video on Proko's Youtube), that's the second picture without any numbers, so that is what I'm working off of. I think I may have carried over too much of that, which leads me to my first question: In 5 and 7 I was trying to use less lines, in the rest I made a lot of lines to build up the darkness of them, which is best to practice at the start? 2nd question: What information should I give here? I'm worried this is not enough information to be able to critique me well. For example, though this time I forgot to time myself, would that be useful information? I think I took a few minutes for each. Thank you! I look forward to going through this course!
Sashank G
First off .. Great work !! main goal of gesture drawing is to get the pose right. which you did well. 1st question : for gesture drawing it is recommended to start with capturing the pose in as minimum strokes as possible . For example , 1and 2 has good flow of action with one long stroke going from shoulder to feet. Nothing wrong with building up with small strokes. But I would recommend avoiding it when beginning. or this may turn in to habit and lead to chicken scratches. One long stroke for the pose looks better and clean than lots of small strokes 2nd question : The amount of information you give depends on the time you allot for it . If it is 30 secs to 1 min, you only need to get the pose right with good line of action. then check your proportions. If you have more time, build construction on top of this gesture. If you then have more time, add in more details and so on It is like building a house - first the foundation, then frames, then walls , flooring. Painting and finishing comes at the end.
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