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added comment inSimple Contour
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Hello!!!! Here's my assignment!! You can find the ference pictures in the comments below!. (Note that I drew the item first then took picture l. Should've don the other way around, but I tried to take the same angle as the drawing)
@Antonio Stappaerts For each part of the assignment should we do like the result of the addition/substraction of the forms?
IE I show both forms that will do the substraction (Look at the box getting an edge trimmed off) Or jus the end result?
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Twisting boxes is the hardest part! Don't underestimate this one. I even practiced those on another piece of paper and I have to do more of those.
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Here's my attempt!!! Cylinders are my weakness. I did practice with boxes on a separate sheet before hand and I see a real progress!!!
I love the way you all are doing the lesson notes here in 2.0, as I’ve mentioned before. It would be even better if the links would open in new windows rather than taking me completely offsite.
On Chrome, you can do right click on the link -> Open Link in new tab
or middle click with a mouse)
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Hi!!! I've just finished the assignment examples videos!
I feel that something is not there with my robo beans. Is it the proportions? Is it that I loose the gesture in some way?
Thank you in advance for the feedback
I think these look great, it looks like you're working out problem areas internally. I recommend watching the critique video if you haven't yet, they usually help me identify problems and course correct in my own work!
Keep it up!
Robo beans are difficult for me too, but I think as you try to place structure (such as a box) onto something, the common mistake is that it flattens out the drawing. Try exaggerating the poses more, and twisting the boxes themselves. Stay really loose with the lines, they don't have to be all straight edges and proper boxes.
I think they look good though! Just keep in mind to watch your proportions too, there's a couple I spotted where the rib cage and hips are almost the same size, but I don't get the impression of it being forshortened.
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First attempt. For some reasons, the dog and bird were very hard. Then, I watched the structure critique and something clicked watching Stan draw the rhino!!!
If someone could give a tip on the bird and the dog that would be appreciated! Thanks in advance :)