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added comment inHow Masters Create the Illusion
These lessons really made me realize how, even tho I see so much art in a day, I truly see very little from it. Maybe limiting the amount of art I look at would help with having my mind focus on it properly, but that might be more of a social media usage personal problem. All in all I shall try to keep in mind the phrase "dessert later".

I have the exact same problem. I love art so much that I pretty much spend all my free time looking at it, but the ease of access to art cuts up all the time I should have spent appreciating and analysing it because I get so anxious to move on to the next piece of artwork. "Desert later" indeed.
Asked for help
After looking at my library of saved artworks from my favourite artists, I found that the most commonly used techniques tend to be overlap and atmosphere. There doesn't seem to be as much usage of convergent lines in the art I've been looking at, and I think it might be because I generally prefer to look at more "organic" stuff, which doesn't usually have as many parallel lines as the more "technical" looking stuff. Foreshortening isn't used as much either, and I think that it's because it's more difficult to get right, but when it is done correctly, it's super good at making your art look more realistic since, in reality, most things won't appear to you in the simple front or side view.
Something I've noticed I have a lot of trouble with is that even though I know these types of basic exercises are important I always try to speed it up to get it over with because it feels like there is no end goal and I'm impatient to start creating. Then once I start trying to get that picture in my head onto a piece of paper I realise I lack the basic skills to be able to do so and so I always end up stuck in this cycle. I'm going to try to stick with the exercises and hopefully, I will be patient enough this time round.
I am pretty much the same way. I never really focused on the fundamentals and it shows. Peter addresses how to avoid these exercises feeling like work at about 13 minutes into the lesson. He recommends doing these exercises as a 5 minute warm up prior to daily sketching practice.
Stevie Roder
Asked for help
I know I'm turning in my Isometric Assignment a bit late to get Critiqued. But I honestly highly enjoyed messing around with my perspective viewpoints on this one using my lovely art tools today. I would love some Critique on it and how I can improve using my tools to create more fun stylized drawings. Got any advice Marshall or any fellow art students can give me pointers. I am gladly all ears and willing to listen and experiment further down.
I think you would benefit greatly from practising drawing straight lines using the dots method first if you want to draw without using a ruler
Really helped me understand how colours go together. I made this painting right after watching this video, inspired by the green monster. If anyone has any critiques or advice please say.
This is a cool character, but for the lesson it would be good to see it in the context of an environment, since that's where the colours get a lot of their context. In Bucci's examples, the light areas are pushed a lot warmer from the sun, shadow areas can take on colours from the environment, often colder if facing the sky, warmer if facing the ground, etc.
It looks like this guy is lit only by ambient light from the sky? Painting the surroundings would help the viewer understand.
hello loish! i am a big fan of your works, and look up to you like an idol. Your art really inspires me to create when i feel demotivated. I was wondering what educational books you’d recommend, like what books did you read as a student that really helped you. If not books, any art resources. And what you think really influenced your style.