Stylization Exercise with Loish (Livestream)

Mark as Completed
Hey everyone! I'll be going live on the Proko channel to showcase an exercise where I try two different stylization approaches to the same study. I'll also be joined by Stan and we'll be taking question from the Proko community so please submit any questions you have in the comments.
Hi, you don't seem to be drawing directly onto your ipad. What are you actually drawing on?
She was drawing on the ipad, they took the screen recording and embedded it within a picture of an ipad
Hello Loish! I've been a big fan for more than 5 years! I'm currently studying animation like you did! I like a lot of your bigger illustrations and feel like you've been migrating to smaller sketchier drawings recently, is that the way your art style is just heading or is it you trying to take care of your health more or is it something else?
Elizabeth Cervantes
​Is it really possible to keep improving/changing? I feel like there's a point in art where you get stuck in your comfort zone and that really stunts your growth.
As a 3d artist should I learn 2d/digital painting?
Hi Loish, I was wondering about you how do go about finding ideas that leads to a more hardened direction-finding more clarity making the illustration process more fluent?
How do you market your art and yourself. Do you consider yourself a brand? How intertwined to the worlds of things like web design, social media, graphic communication and branding are you? What tips or feedback do you have for people trying to step in to the creative realms, besides go and create.
hello!, Loish, do you know when a painting is considered done? do you have a criteria that determines when its done or do you decide just when it feel good.
when the art*
Hey Loish, As a person who’s not too good at traditional drawing but wants to get into digital. Do you recommend working more traditional before shifting over?
Wayne Johnson
What's the percentage usage of apps for you now? Have you dropped Photoshop? Are you using Procreate 90% these days?
What kind of environment do you like to have when you draw? You prefer being home alone or drawing f.ex. in some cafe? Do you like to have music on or maybe you like silence? :)
What are your thoughts on AI generated art? I know it’s still in the early stages, but do you think it will be used by all artists in the future? Do you think it will impact the demand for artists?
I'm curious if Either Loish or Proko started out in another creative field to support your becoming an artist. Do you have any views on the future for illustration and art, what will be commercially in demand, how can we continue to stay creative? Are there opportunities to become a professional artist in a muddy digital landscape?
Sebastian Brborich
Not a question but this Q&A have a lot of answers to questions I've been asking myself for a long time! thanks for sharing and giving the world your knowledge!
recently loish started doing more landscape explorations that were really fun- what inspired that and what were the unexpected challenges once she started?
what would you say is the best thing to do to get out of an art slump?? where everything just feels boring and unfulfilling
Anorha Nono
hi loish! What can you say about giving personality and life to a drawing when rendering? In my experience, it's hard to render what I consider a fun, dynamic character sketch without completely killing it's personality and making it seem stiff and boring. (hope you can reach your cards stretch goal, would love to get my hands on a beautiful deck!)
Do you know of any good color theory books?
I've always had a hard time conceptualizing an understanding Values/Shading, do you have any fun tips or methods that go outside the traditional "take a book, read and try understand?" to understand, develop + improve on this whole shading/values shebang ?
What drives you to keep drawing?
Could you talk a little about how you balance your artistic practice and handling the business/client communication/practical part of being a professional artist? How do you divide your time between creating art and handling the business side? Has it changed over time?
I realized belatedly this might be off-topic from the theme of this stream. Sorry about that!
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