Marek Krząszcz
Full-time Payroll Analyst, undercover art enthusiast
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Marek Krząszcz
added comment inNov 10th 10am PDT - Block In Demo with Stephen Bauman
My 2024 art goal will be to go from absolute beginner to someone who can draw a decent drawing I can be proud of (not a masterpiece, a decent drawing) and not to put too much pressure on myself. To polish knowledge rather than gathering a new one constantly.
Marek Krząszcz
Asked for help
A bit late but I still hope for some feedback:
First one is hierarchy of importance, 2nd one is light and shadow - I really enjoyed this assignment :)
Marek Krząszcz
It seems like in the past 2 level 1 projects I was mostly in kind of measuring mode rather than sketching mode which explains:
1) why it took me so much time per sketch (between 30 min to an hour)
2) why I was constantly not happy with my lines.
It was not that bad - I enjoyed every minute of it but still - it was a long time.
Thank you @Stan Prokopenko - this demo helped me to understand my mindset and how to try to improve it.
Don England
On interesting, will try using color when digitally sketching too.
My same thought exactly! I am hoping it will help to put myself into sketching mode rather than drawing mode.
Marek Krząszcz
I just want to say thank you Stan - I was kind of fixed in my head to have as clean lines as possible (but still drawing things loosely) and I was wondering if I am missing something. I think I found the answer in this video to utilize more "searching lines" because at the end at the current stage of the course, I should be sketching and learning to do it fairly quickly, not focusing on making my sketch look like the finished work.
Asked for help
Wooo! Finished within deadline! My las drawing I did was a hand and it actually made me thinking: Do my drawings look as if I tried too hard almost copying original images? I tried to focus only on loose movement of my full hand and to use tapered lines but I feel like probably focus too much on details.....simplifying ain't easy I suppose xD
These are great drawing but I do think your are copying too close to the original images. I feel like they need to be more of a looser sketchy feel.
Hi all! I am going through this course using a tablet and CSP (this is my medium of choice for drawing). I have a problem with tempered strokes, and more precisely, to make my lines have a soft beginning, a thicker middle and a soft end again.
I'm wondering if I'm the only one having a problem with mapping this on a tablet or is this something normal and I should rather focus on loose sketching? It bothers me a bit.
I've heard it's very hard on small tablets, but it's pretty hard on paper too. I guess we have to practice our dexterity before it becomes natural.
Hey! It's been hard even on paper. Either it'll be light all the way through or only light at the end. After trying different speeds and adjusting pressure I'm slowly getting consistent tapered lines. Sorry I don't know much about digital but maybe just more practice would help. Or a different brush?
Marek Krząszcz
I watched critique video and I decided to paint a different pair of boots this time - one that has a lot of lines, and the difference is I did whole work using shoulder and elbow to draw, almost no wrist - to force me to pick lines. I must say - it is so hard to draw against ones instincts to zoom in and draw using wrist xD
Marek Krząszcz
Missing day 4 - I decided to have fun a bit only with overall shape that if you use imagination to fill gaps. It was to practice loose hand in loose lines :) day 6 is silhouette of a tree, the leaves was just a 10sec filler using brush so it does not look boring and kind of depressing I suppose