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Preston Fujiki
added comment inProject - Learning to Sketch from Imagination
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Did the warmups before tackling this project. Definitely helped to loosen up, but definitely found that I wasn't as accurate as I would have liked to be. I think it may be from drawing for longer periods without looking back at the references. Either way, I had a lot of fun with the imaginative drawing. Couldn't attach all the references, but had a lot of fun designing one after the fact with the CSI lines, and then continuing into another sketch that I decided to ink for fun
Dandy Ben
You did pretty well with your inked moth by the end, I like the hollowknight vibe from it. From what I can tell, you started to add more depth and form by the end. If there's one thing I think will help as you continue, is try to continue to think in 3D as you move forward. Trust me, I have to as well, and once you get used to it, the drawings won't feel as flat. Also, try to keep your sketches loose and gestural, not worrying too much on how your lines cross over or overlap on each other because I can see your earlier sketches focus too much on contours. I'm no guru, but I hope this helps, keep up the good practice!
Preston Fujiki
Asked for help
Went for both levels on this and tried to really focus on where to place CSI lines. Also tried to stay away from adding details (like the boot laces) that could potentially distract from simplifying. I also thought I had left myself enough real estate on the page for each drawing, but the skull and snail ended up having small areas cut off.
The proportions and shadow area on the pear are great! The cast shadow by the pear in your drawing isn't quite the same shape as the reference, so it may be helpful to go back through on that part. Also, in the reference, we can see where the stem inserts into the pear, but your drawings perspective makes it appear like it is coming from behind, This could be a good spot to bring it forward and add those details. Nice work!
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I did this assignment twice, once before watching the demo and critique and after! Really proud of how much I improved by listening and applying the advice Stan gave!
You can definitely see a clear improvement from your first attempt to your redo, nice work!
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My first try at a pear... Going to try again tomorrow and 1) make edges sharper and 2) do better shading (for the light values, I used a different pencil, which turned out to be too light).
Hey there, I actually like the light values in the half tones! For your next attempt, it may help to fill the tones in more. Also remember the simplification steps for the next attempt and drawing the contour of the pear with sharp lines. Great work!
Preston Fujiki
Asked for help
I had a bit of a hiatus from art in 2024 after some burnout, so I was hoping the Drawing Basics course would help me refocus and get the rust off to get back to learning. I ended up drawing all 4 to really get an understanding of the exercise. Definitely felt like I loosened up! Posting ahead of watching the demos, as a baseline, so let me know if there's any feedback or areas for improvement. Thank you!
Great job on all of them, especially Pear #1 and your portrait! The only feedback I'd give would be to maybe lighten the shading under the left eye on the portrait so as to make it more distinct from the darker areas (such as the hair, right side of the face, etc.)
Preston Fujiki
Hi! This is my first post, was hoping to get some comments or critique on these landmark studies. Thanks!