piotr nowak
piotr nowak
Activity Feed
piotr nowak
robot girl, probably too many details made it too rigid
piotr nowak
the hand attempt, some erasing was done and second lining with darker pencil to make more confident lines over
piotr nowak
pinguin attempt, not so easy, can't get that simplified csi style with loose lines yet
Melanie Scearce
I think you're on the right track. The curves of the flipper and the straight line at the back of the head that comes out from the curve at the top look particularly nice. Keep it up!
piotr nowak
A deer 🦌 from photo as excercise
piotr nowak
attempt with skull excercise
piotr nowak
before watching video, proportions are not that far away, though the line quality is sth i cannot get over comparing to stan
piotr nowak
I forgot to take picture with csi lines only but they’re still visible
looking great!!!! Just next time instead of soft brushing everything, try block in the shadows. You can check the pear class from drawing fundamentals course. Again I really liked the drawing it rules!!!!
Melanie Scearce
Looks awesome!
piotr nowak
straight lines with 5 values, following picture and stan hints
Rachel Dawn Owens
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