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added comment inProject - Simple Animal Portraits
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lvl1 before watching demo
Recommended Document size dimensions from video: at least 4000px on longest side. 16:9 image - 8000, 4500 px
I tried to combine hierarchy and depth. Had a hard time with my values with the pencils I was using. I think I need to buy a larger range as I wasn't really able to execute the difference in values I really wanted. May try again digitally.
Amit Munjal
my first attempt at what I would like to highlight ( the head part); didn't had a printout so traced the image on monitor. adding line weight makes sense, a lot depends on the light source
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I was getting so frustrated with this exercise that I wanted to give up, but I'm glad I didn't! I actually like how the character turned out in the end. I wanted something challenging so I went with a kangaroo/wallaby, I found their odd proportions so difficult to capture. I started off with a couple of sketches copying from photos then a few from imagination, and I thought about how big the wallaby's feet are compared to its body, so I decided to make him into a sad clown type character.
Overall this was a helpful exercise because I struggle hugely with drawing from imagination. Creating this clown wallaby instantly took me back to when I was a kid and I used to create animal characters from scratch all the time.
before demo. I found the light one challenging since the very light area tended to have a strong cast shadow. Looking forward to watching the demo now to see how Stan tackled it.
Nice work Everyone. You all seem to have some pretty amazing drawings. I know my drawings will be embarrassing compare to others but I wanted to do a follow up from the Demo and only stick to loose sketch lines as Proko Suggested. Thanks all
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I'm trying not to freak out about proportions because I know we will learn that eventually but I find it knocks my confidence and I don't think my line work was as good during this exercise as some of my previous because of it. On top of the pressure of creating something from imagination. Really good challenge and pushing me out of my comfort zone.