Orlando McKillop
Orlando McKillop
Activity Feed
Eruera Hohaia-Turuwhenua
Wow after Lines and a few Shape lessons. I have finally reached the hardest part of the skill and the most tedious and time consuming skill required. Im so happy I made it this far. But I am very fearful already this is one of the most complicated habit I need to acquire. Here it goes :)
Orlando McKillop
I'm in exactly the same boat! I got to this assignment and I've put it off for the past week, purely sketching from life using all the skills learnt thus far - but the time has come for me to finally start the project...
Tony Zhang
Okay, let’s try again.:)
Orlando McKillop
These are awesome you captured the animals so well.
Nathan Kromer
For this assignment, it was interesting to simplify the animal faces into shapes even though I’m not very good at drawing animals to begin with. It taught me to break things down into it’s important shapes which was a bit frustrating but fun. If anyone has any advice they’d like to give me on what I can improve then go ahead, I’m all ears.
Orlando McKillop
I noticed a few things which I think could make them look nicer: 1) I'm not sure if you've watched the demo yet, but Stan emphasised the need to make things shapes. Such as your horse's snout not actually being a shape but just a line/outline. 2) I think the teeth are integral to express the idea of the tiger opening its mouth like it is. 3) Try adding the neck if you have any left over shapes before the ideal maximum of 10. Nice job overall though!
Orlando McKillop
Here are my level 2 portraits project but with dogs, any criticism is appreciated.
Martha Muniz
Woah, these are really cool! Great job :D
Juan Cabrera
First attempt at level 2 of this project. I wasn't sure how far to take the simplification of the skeleton captain, so that's one thing I hope to clarify for myself with the demos. Still, this was really good practice. Thanks for the assignment. Any feedback is appreciated.
Orlando McKillop
These are super nice and simple! I love it
Orlando McKillop
My attempt at a different shoe project. The proportions are wrong, which I realised too late however, my main aim was to use the line weight effectively
Orlando McKillop
Orlando McKillop
Day twelve. Again starting my day with some observational drawing. After doing the ‘’Shadow and Light’’ project of the rhino I tried implementing it into this sketch.
Nate Ferguson
Day three of the challenge. Chose a simple fake plant I came across earlier today. I got carried away with the flowers as I've added more than we're actually present. I find plants are really good for sketching while working on your CSI skills.
Orlando McKillop
This looks really alive, nice!
Orlando McKillop
Day eleven. After my girlfriend and I finished our life drawing class, I ventured off to my local park again.
I think you captured the essence of the bird on the left very nicely. Great subject choice.
Nate Ferguson
Nice shading Orlando
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